Dollhouse Season 1

I always preferred Faith to Buffy.

 Don't tell Regina but I always liked brunettes more. 
This is Joss Whedon second female led series and  his return to TV after the failure of Firefly. 
The show's premise  is the Dollhouse- A building which offers a service. They can get you anyone you want downloaded into a selection of bodies So our heroines may one day be a midwife, another a mistress.
 We get to see Eliza as a Dominatrix.   Eliza is not the greatest actress in the world.  See the Buffy the Vampire episode ``This Years Girl'' In which Eliza is insipid playing Buffy. Not that Buffy is much to play with, but... 
 I see the influence of Alias here. A handler. An older African American man paired with a younger woman. The femme lead with a double life.
 While Buffy had its shifting alliances. Spike and Buffy. Giles and Angel going over her head. I felt the influence of Alias here. There is a lot of eye candy Eliza, ( I have ``bring it on'' on DVD)


 There is a great episode where she is playing the head of the Brisbane Amy Acker Fan Club
 (Amy is an  alum from the final season of Alias, as well as Fred from Angel)


 A great piece of casting, Miracle Laurie is the beautiful girl next door type.

 Alas she is taken You can see Joss's handiwork. When you see Victor. You can often hear ``Angel'' Indeed in  his early episodes he is wearing a leather jacket like the LA vampire
  Its nice to see some Battlestar Galatica alumni  Agathon, /Tahmoh_Penikett and his Celtic co star. Mark Sheppard cast as FBI agents. One of Tah's costars is clearly the black female senior cop/agent stock character . We have seen from The Shield/Without a Trace/The Wire/Homicide/NYPD Blue.
 Doll House season one even guest stars Boone from Earth Final Conflict. 
Oh and a sneering Reed Diamond late of Homicide Life on the Street.
Reed Diamond has a small part in Angel  (He played Cordelia's co star in a production of Ibsen's the Doll House, so kudos there on the metajoke)
  There is a streak of loneliness running through Wheedon's work. Like Buffy-The beautiful teen who must stand apart. Like Angel, the Vampire with the soul who can never find happiness. Here we have an obsessive FBI agent. A super programmer. The show has the head of the Doll House talk about how she can't mention her work to anyone. Indeed She and Tofler the programmer both dip their pens in the company ink- No that is a euphemism. They are both rapists . The series ends with an interesting change of  tone and pace. A cliff hanger, but one that . We are transported into the future to a post apocalyptic world. There are hints that the technology used in the Dollhouse, will be exploited for nefarious ends. The moral problems of this technology are going to be bigger then kidnapping coeds.

 There is a crack a Simon Cowell in one episode. It is a fun series.

2021- Edit but it is also like Dexter, based on a morally vacuous premiuse 


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