
I remember seeing Titantic. I saw it in Harford. It must have been 12 years ago now. That was a great movie event too. This is the same. Its an event. Some good casting :Sam Worthington Who is a face for the future. One of the few actors who leaves an impression of toughness/ strength Sigourney Weaver gets to reintroduce herself to audiences. Which is good. I like her.

Sigourney smokes. She is a rebel! Someone has shipped tobacco all this way?

The story is simple. Sam worthington, plays a crippled marine sent to Pandora. Sully. His Twin brother was supposed to go. However the brother was killed in a mugging. So Sully was sent in place. On Pandora, he is an avatar driver. His mind is linked with the body of one the native humanoids. The Humanoids are blue and 8ft tall and are super strong

Sam, gets lost in the jungle. Where he is found by one of the locals. She spares him. (Relations with the locals and the human mining party have been getting worse and worse Prior to Sam's arrival ) Then she rescues him from the wolves/jackals of Pandora

Cameron then gives us the noble savage myth. In beautiful 3-d. The Pandoran's are a mix of Native Americans. Africans. With some Chinese and Arabic words thrown in. Anything but Western

The 3D is impressive. The scenes of Sully floating in near orbit made an impact on me The flights of the beasts of Pandora. The flowers opening and closing after Sully touches one. The adverts which preceded the film were impressive too. Familiar and yet disturbing

The huge earth moving equipment reminds one of the huge tanks the Machines use in the Terminator franchise. The helicopters are somewhat similar in design to the hunter killers too.

The Pandoran babe spares Sully because he has a large heart. Is that a cheeky T-Salvation reference

The camera catches every now and then Sully's withered legs. Sully's beard and hair changes er

The colonel is filmed from the boots up. When we first see him The Jackboots, Then the gun. Gosh....Its Martin Shaw from the Battle of the Bulge.

The Spanish chick from Lost plays one of the rebels. When she goes native she looses her jacket so we get a better look at her rack

Curiously Sam's Blue skinned babe. Discovers the need to put on a tank top. Before the last battle. Before that she had been happy to braless.

Speaking of Tank tops. Some one found the funds, to transport a massive stanford alumi t shirt to Pandora. Grace's native body is always covered up

I was going to say that it is a great spectacle it isn't. Computer games do this thing all the time. Its a great piece of marketing. If not of cinema


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