He Man !``The cosmic comet’’

Every evening, I ride my exercise bike for an hour. Its really boring. So I look for something to keep me amused. I can’t really chat or answer e-mails. So I watch stuff. Anything to pass the time. No Porn, or depressing or violent stuff, the windows are open
Of late I have been watching 80’s cartoons. As I watched an episode of Defenders of the Earth yesterday I went for something different Namely Masters of the Universe,  which was a cartoon based on a toy made by Matel
I have read the brand were designed to be based on Conan, but that was too violent and sexualised. So Mattel found its own source material
My brother had He Man, I had Skeletor, ( The main bad guy- the Antagonist) and He Man’s sword. As well as his shield. I promptly broke the sword.  My mother really spoiled us in terms of presents. We always got what we wanted, at Christmas. My Parents were buying for multiple children too, and all this on One sometimes One and a half incomes
Anyway, He man, was a toy produced by mattel. They made cartoons to sell the toys. I watched them and persuaded my parents to buy the toy. Let no one say I am not easily led
Anyway the deconstruction of an episode
The Cosmic Comet
(Kids love repeated Letters)
The cartoon begins, or should I write commences, with Evil Lynn, and Beastman. Attacking Castle Greyskull.
He man, insults Beastman. He calls him Fur face, ( A racial slur?) and Beastman charges to attack He-man.
Beastman is pushed into a pool of mud. Quite a fall actually.
Evil Lyn, (who is quite busty. All the heroines with the exception of the sorceress have quite a lot of cleavage here) Attacks He-man with some sort of energy ball spell, to give the writers credit, she does it while He Man is recovering from the Bestman attack He Man deflects the blast. She suffers the same fate, as Beastman,
Whilst He Man and Man at Arms, celebrate there victory. The Sorceress, instructs them, that there victory is only fleeting. She than sets up the scene for the episode.
Skeletor, will attempt to use the Cosmic Comet, to destroy Castle Grey skull. He Man must locate Zagras, who has knowledge of Comets, and get his help to win the day.
There is a filler scene, in Eternia, where Prince Adam, He Man’s alter ego. ( Slightly wimpy, and vain, he wears pink) Asks Permission to go on the mission with Man at Arms.
He Man’s mother, is again a very well endowed woman. Though she sports less cleavage than Teela
Teela is Captain of the Guard is co-opted. As is Orko, the flying  My brother had a toy version of Orko,
Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, or rather Snake Mountain. Skeletor and his minions are planning. They join hands, and project their wills onto the cosmic comet.
Our Heroes make their way to Zagras, in the Attack Track. It seems to have no seatbelts, nor more than two seats. Which Man at Arms, and Prince Adam take. Rather than the Captain of the Guard. Teela.
The Good guys having reached Zagras, who appears as a kindly Grey beard. Living in what looks like a quick sketch of something based on a Greek temple, but not a Greek temple
Zagras sounds almost Greek. So you can imagine him, as almost a philosopher
Zagras is over 100 years old. He has been controlling comets since before Skeletor showed up. He had wanted to control a pair of Cosmic comets. But had ended up destroying one, driving the other to Loneliness
In this episode Comets are shown as living thinking beings. They are not, and He Man errs here, by portraying them as such. Yes I know its set on another world. Yes I know there is Magic. They could have written the story differently.
Zagras has lost his confidence in himself, since he failed, in controlling the comet. He also, is not blamed for destroying something that the series considers alive
Skeletor orders fragments of the comet, to bombard Team He-Man. Once they hit the earth, like with the Dragons Teeth, fighting Men spring up.
Prince Adam, trips up is rescued by Teela, He thanks her, and she is attacked by one of the Comet-Men. She shoots her attacker, with a freeze ray, but it fails. Man at Arms, who has brought a rifle, shoots one two, but the blast is deflected.
Deflections happen a lot in He Man.
At the sight of this, Gringer panics, and flees to a cavern. Adam, follows him. After trying to beckon him out of the cave. Adam becomes He Man
He Man than beats up the comet men, shatters them. Calling them Rock Heads, Its not enough to beat them up he must insult them
Poor Zagras, who attempted to intervene is crippled by self doubt.
He Man is Blond but has Dark Eyebrows. He makes an excuse for Adams absence, and leads his team, back to Castle Grey skull. Orko, Hoovers up some of the fragments. Orko makes his arm, look like a Hoover
Skeletor despatches Beast Man on the Basher to attack the goodies.
``Dear Evil Lyn’’ Oh Skeletor has his favourites
He-Man’s APC gives measurements in metric. Bestman actually attacks the APC sensibly. He blocks, it’s path by causing a Landslide
Bestman Basher is blown out of the sky, he lands safely in Mud. It was good of him, not to fire, whilst He Man’s APC attacked him.
The viewer  sees the battle played out on the APC’s VDU
Skeletor and Evil Lyn have absorbed the power of the Bad Comet.  They attack  He Man et al just before Leading to some cheap innuendo on my part
``Do you feel it Evil Lyn?’’
Evil Lyn, has very large sensual lips. Not unlike Angelina. She also suggests chaining up the heroes
The Heroes holed up, in Castle Grey skull await the comet. Orko’s fragments are going to be used in a spell, to recreate the comet. As it grows, the good guys remark that it feels evil. Zagras, encourages the home team, to look into their own noble hearts, and think about the Goodness of the People of Eternia
A comet strike on Grey Skull is seconds away  though !
Oh no!
Skeletor flies off to see, the destruction of Greyskull. Beastman, now cleaned up warns him, it may not happen. Skeletor dismisses his minion concerns
The comet is still coming. Zagras has not finished the spell, despite having the goodies mirror, the channelling ceremony at the beginning, Zagras can’t get the last bit of the spell right. The Sorceress uses a spell to send  He Man, up to hold off the comet. He floats up and can hold the comet, for a few moments. Enough time, for Teela and Man at Arms, to encourage Zagras once more.
Zagras manages to get his new comet aloft. The two are reunited and go on their way. Crashing Skeletors plane with a flypast in the mean time
Zagras having regained his confidence, teaches  Prince Adam, whose absence has been overlooked.  the basics of comet control. Practising with spheres, at first. To learn the basic’s while the King and Queen and the rest of our heroes look on. Orko' has one last pratfall
The episode ends, with an aside from Man at Arms, urging people to keep trying. Not to loose heart and to keep on, keeping on
It wasn’t actually that bad a show. He Man’s foes despite their limitations did not act always stupidly. Earlier I mentioned Beast Mans first attack on the APC, and Evil Lyn’s skirmish with He Man
It had some nice mirroring.
He Man not being able to stop the comet with a punch, was a nice touch. It took team work, and effort to resolve the day
It painted with a broad brush, but for a toy advert, it still said something worthwhile. The Children watching He Man, would struggle with sums, and shoelaces.


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