A story about Bill and Tony

There is a person, I work with called. Bill. He is awfully lazy. He used to vanish until lunch, and would emerge having finished one assignment. Sometimes, he would not have completed the task, and would return to it after his sandwiches.

We used to work with a man called Tony. We will call him Tony Z. Tony was about as lazy as Bill. 
If not worse. Tony would find places to sleep amongst the shelves, and the filing cabinets, only to emerge when a passer by disturbed his slumber. Tony has since retired. he however still has a circle of friends at the work place. Bygones are Bygones

However Tony was, a charming gent. While Bill has been warned about sexual harassment.

Anyway, Yesterday Bill, is talking about Tony, who he reported as dead. Tony Z, was dead!

This caused a stir. As Tony Z, despite his age, was a popular person. There were several attempts to reach Tony Z, on his mobile and home phone. These came to no avail.

Finally, a colleague went round at lunch  to Tony's house to check up on him.  Tony's brother, was outside, smoking dressed, in funeral black. My co worker, offered his condolences and his hand.
 Putting two and two together

Tony's brother indignant. Asked, what the ``fox'' was going on.

He called upstairs, to his brother.

Tony Z descended, the staircase, to confirm that rumor's of his death had been greatly exaggerated, and he was alive and well.

They had been at the funeral of a neighbour. So naturally phones were ignored. The clock was stopped, and the dogs silenced with juicy bones

Tony was not amused, at events  My co worker, who is actually quite high up here, called into work. 
To ask what was going on? It was not as if Bill and Tony were friends. Why would Bill know, what happened to Tony. Bill was summoned to the phone

Bill insisted that he had heard nothing but his co workers talk about Tony death all morning

This was indeed true

The Tony who had passed away was none other than:

``Tony Curtis''

Oh dear!


Learning Center said…
Huge! How stupid that guy can get?

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