Kate and Brno two

and we went into a book store. I told Kate, that I like bookstores, as I think I out ranked everyone in them.

I had picked up Kate a paperback, via amazon. She found a nice book for me, which I have been reading today on the train. I will write a review perhaps

Brno  was host to its Christmas market. My charming guide bought some roasted chestnuts. I have never had these before they have a nice meaty texture. We circled the square. There was due to be a performance by the Joe Cocker band. Kate said, she was still Angry, and I asked did Joe Cocker make her angry? My fair companion giggled, and said no. She was hungry!

We passed a mysterious rocket shaped clock, that is not understood, but appreciated none the less

A potato fritter not sating her, we retired to a cafe. An old fashioned one, a little pricy, which was in an old house. There were suits of armour in the lobby, but the place was closed. So we tried the downstairs competitors. The lift to the bottom, was glass. Oh dear.

I had a coffee and a ham toastie, my more elegant companion had raspberry tea. I burned myself, when eating my toast. I was that hungry and perhaps too excited, as a child is before christmas.

I than misplaced 1000 Krone. And Kate had to pay for our food and drink. Oh the shame

I have never been so embarrassed. As I was showing off As one does to pretty girls. I thought I had dropped my krona  when using the WC.

So, I went to a mall, and bought Kate a little gift.  Whilst doing this, I listened to the czech phrases for do you want a store card

We walked around a bit more. My companion relaxed, and charming. We shared skittles. We stopped off at the tourist information office. Where I bought 20 Postcards. This amused Kate, and the two girls behind the counter. I did want to buy the two knights. I wondered if I looked too childish

I had found my money. I felt foolish

we walked past the Chemist on the Na Ori. My teacher explained the meaning of the words, in her mother tongue. I had been surprised by the signage, and reminded of my fathers tongue

We were due, to vist some historic churches, we had a choice of 2, on a fork in the road. Luckily we were not fleeing the devil, or seeking absolution.

I bought a book, on the Celts written in Czech, than we returned to the railway station my guardian brought me to the right platform

I had a lovely day. It was one of the highlights of 2010


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