
Oh Canada!
My father was annoying me, last Sunday. He told me amongst other things that my holiday pictures are boring
I struck me, that on my face book page. There are no pictures of me, in one country I have actually been
Indeed there is very little to recollect that I was there. There is but a solitary shot glass. To tell of my time in the ``Great White North
``The Senior dominion.’’
As I may forget I have intended this story, as a warts and all account. Of my time in Canada. I was much younger, and immature There are pictures I took of Canada somewhere. There of Montreal. None of me, just the river, and a few buildings. I was shy as a teen. To shy to appear in my own photographs. Or not able to realise the importance of connecting myself to a place
I am nothing else if not an unreliable narrator. So here is my story of my time above the 40th parallel
I had for various reasons managed to acquire a single room, in UNC. There was a threat that we would have to share these rooms
I looked on this in horror...My friend Chris had already seen off, one interloper.
I had made no other plans for Spring break. So I decided to go North, and visit. ``Canadian Steve’’
Steve who is now forever known by the toponym of his birth was an exchange student in Glasgow, I had him befriended in our Halls.
Robyn was going to drive me to DC, there I would get on a train to Toronto. I was going with Laudie
The night before, I had gone to the pub. I had not planned to go. I was after all going further then distance from Paris to Berlin, or London to Aberdeen. However I knew Catherine wall, was going out, so I decided to chance it. I got into Hectors. I did not dress up, my pulling outfit was packed. For my attempts to seduce the older sisters of Ellen page and Avril lavinge.
(Regular readers will remember how beautiful Robyn is. Miss Laudie grew to become a successful lawyer and is married. I believe. She too holds the burden of beauty)
I made a fool of myself. I put a ciggerate out, on the window. The only thing I think I can say, is that I did not climax in my trousers. When Laudie, and Robyn managed to tune out the idiot in the back seat and talk about boys and sex
I than waited, 6 hours in Washington for my train. Six hours. I was not there early, my train left at 9 or some such. I went to the cinema. I think. Its the cinema near union station. I was explaining the plot of one film, to a woman next to me. I swore it had Gwyneth Paltrow in it, who had married a man, and her step mother was jealous. I remember seeing the blonde leads' bum. I was pleased at that. I was in the Smithsonian.
I walked about the Capitol building. Quite late at night. I was messing about in the bushes around it.I was unobserved and of no interest to the forces of security
I had lied to Robyn about how long I would be waiting for the train.
I took the train north. Washington-NYC-Buffalo-Niagara-Toronto
I think I spoke to a woman on the train, and older woman who was sitting next to me for part of the trip. I think I lied to her, I think I told her I studied medicine or tree surgery
I remember Niagara falls. I entered Canada, on the 7th-3-1998
I was there for over 10 days. Which means I have been on holiday in Canada, longer than any other country, if you think of my time, in UNC as study/work
I saw the CN tower. In passing
I stayed at the most famous hotel in Canada. Its near the Train station. There were bell hops in red uniforms. I asked one how much did the place cost for a night. I paid 200 dollars.

 I went down to the hotel bar, to try and pull
I remember I was wearing a red t shirt, and chino’s from the Gap. I fell asleep at the bar, and I didn’t talk to anyone.( I had not really slept well on the train) I remember one of the Bar staff, or the customers had an Arab father or German mother, or vice versa. For the whole of his life, had endured speculation
My friend was studying there. I got the bus, or was it the train. I think it was the train. Yes, I got the train. The station was quite a bit away from the University. I walked, to the university. I had no idea where it was, I began walking, I remember stopping in at a store, where I exchanged pleasantries about the day, with an older Canadian, and I think I was in Mickey d’s. I than found the university, and realised I had no way of finding my friend.
So I e-mailed him. Except I didn’t have an e-mail address so. I had to sign up for one
Cmp,net. Or some such. I have the address somewhere.
My friend found me slumped in front of a desk, in the Queens library he brought me through the snow to his house. I has thus far neglected to mention, that Canada was covered with snow. If you have seen Scott Pilgrim, it sort of looks like that. Quiet and snowy
I met my friends Roommates I took drugs. I think iI had some pot, and speed and watched I Scarface, until I passed out. I slept and slept. I awoke the next day, on a mattress on the floor
I remember the lock on the bathroom door, was improvised from a latch.
From there things are kind of a blur.
I hung out with my friend. We ordered pizza, I sat in on a Canadian lit class. There was a story about new Newfoundland fishermen drowning, and the fish eating their eyes and testes.
I remember playing scrabble, under the influence of stimulants. I remember drinking in the Student union, and a bar. I forgot to tip the barmaid at the bar. I remember the loony.
I saw a young lady in her nightdress eating pizza. My eyes must have been like an Anime character. I was in a supermarket I know they sold Irn bru. I bought Canadian Whiskey. Which I gave to a friend. I had no id. So my friend had to persuade the girl behind the counter to let me have some. I met my friends girlfriend. I said she looked like the girl, everyone fancied in Glasgow. Amy from Jedburgh if your interested. I looked at fetish porn, my friend showed me some he had saved on his computer. It was girls in leather, or PVC. My friend tried to call Scotland. The last time, he called He had interrupted two people we knew from our dorm, or rather hall, in bed.
I am glad I am not that young anymore
I remember travelling around to peoples houses. The circuits you do when you in college, or in your early teens. I remember one guy had made a montage on his ceiling of cool people from the late 1990’s. Han Solo, and Chris Rock, sitting at a bar. I remember a joke, about a place being 10 forward with a DJ. I remember someone changing the channel on Xena. It must have been a few days. Say 3 days with my friend. There was talk about me transferring to Canada, from UNC. I talk
Dr Johnston's maxim fresh in my friends mind. My funds, running low, I was smoking the local brand of smokes. Dumaurier as I was out of Camel tobacco products
I made my way to Montreal. I was told I should see it, my friend had a friend there. I took the bus. I went to Montreal. I had been given advice on what to see in Montreal the rue de saint Catherine. There was pubs on one end, and sex on the other. Well Sex on one side
I met up with my friends friend. I bought them beers. Not enough, I'd wager. I gave stupid advice on life and Hegel. I don’t understand Hegel. It takes years. I quoted someone who did. My host had severed in the Canadian defence forces and had a picture of him outside the Canadian Parliment in Ottawa, in a Bearskin

The next day.
I ran out of cash.
I’ll tell more of that tomorrow


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