Doctor Who, The Almost people

Review and overview of the Doctor Who episode. ``The Almost people''
(Fixed the damn typo)



Re watching the episode on I-player. I think I may have been a little harsh to Mr Williams. Rory goes after Jennifer, as he is simply worried about her. A good nurse, cares.
Rory fears Jennifer will do herself a mischief .  I am just heartless.
The story ended last week, with the discovery that the Doctor had been copied, by the living matter. We heard a Ganger Doctor rambling, as the Humans barricaded themselves into the Chapel.

The copy of the Doctor begins to have seizures and speak
One day we will get back-the First doctors words.

Repeated at the beginning of the five doctors

``Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow''. The Third doctor
Jelly baby- was that tom bakers voice?
why why- Did I hear David Tennant?
Hello Hello
recerse the jelly baby

Hold on, hold on. The Doctors reaction to his flesh copy, is purely compassionate. He embraces him, and tries to reassure him
The gangers are still banging at the door. The Scot, and Cleeves are brandishing, tools, For there last stand. It looks likes
``I think I like it better when they were being noisy’’ Everything has gone quiet for a moment, than the Gangers realise that if your working in a place with acid that dissolves stone. The walls are made of stone. Than you can.
Cybermats get a mention. The Ganger doctor is still adjusting to the change. Perhaps there should be a special assembly  Another bit of continuity porn. I think the line is that they kill, using brainwaves. I thought they injected you.  Anyway the Wheel in space
Oh, so the name John Smith comes from there. On lovely a nice bit of symentry, and always nice to learn something new
``Why would we have guns we are are a factory? we mine acid’’. Well, than its an acid mine, rather than a factory. Or to be pedantic a refinery. A factory originally was a place where you sold goodies to other countries. 
The Double Doctors, talk, and brag. A little light relief. After the pain of birth and the drama of the siege
ahh the boots, changed. The flesh replicates a body and clothes. Which is interesting in itself. One would assume than that one can clone animals and plants using the flesh. One can copy clothes, and food. If clothes and food. Than you can can feed and clothe the world. The flesh, is a big change
The original doctor lost his shoes. In an acid leak, in last weeks episode. Well, that’s good. Don’t want the doctor slipping on the stone floors  Though where did The Dotor get the boots from  from. Did he take them off, Buzzer. Marshal Lancaster, who I referred to in last week by his name from Ashes to Ashes. Chris Skeleton. Anyway, the new Doctor wears black shoes, and the old wears brown boots
That’s interesting. Blue collar white collar. Brown boot, black shoe-Class
``Shes very good at sarcasm’’. Indeed. Miss Pond is, do you remember. The Did you wish really hard line from the Doctors wife. Still makes me smile
flesh bodies, discarded. The eyes of one open. It reminds me of the faces of the people who sort immortality at the tomb of Rassillon. From the five doctors,
The gangers get inside, the Chapel  They still have those pikes. However the Humans and the two doctors and the lovely miss Amy have escaped down, a convenient ventilation shaft. So how many entrances does the chapel have?
Jennifer Lucas, staring at flesh on the wall. I am reminded, God knows why that sewers, have a layer of fat on the wall, from the effluence.
Rory is still looking for Jennifer. The Ganger and Human war, has passed him by,
The Acid leaks, have not got any better in the mean time  The Acid, is reacting with the stone. Which is making a gas. Again, this begs the question, why would you place a refinery. I am sorry a factory in a place where the stone will react with it and make a dangerous by product. Can they not build an offshore platform, and slant drill in the future.
Cleeves has a headache, shes had tests,  the Doctor tells her it can be cured. Just not on earth. The humans decide to converge on the  evac tower. Which can be easily defended. So why didn’t they head there in the first place?  Once again I will notice that the evac tower is a tower, made of stone in a place where you mine acid.
Oh and its a medieval monastery tower. I guess some one really did have the archaeologists shot
The bells, the bells. Who is ringing them?  Are they automated? They installed automated bells, but they decided to let people mine acid. That could destroy the  Its also Adams birthday. The ganger and Human version of the Scottish man. Jim. Talk about there son
The eyes are the last to go. Would the teeth, and the bones not be the last to go, eyes are nice and fleshy, and they rot. Fish eat them
In India there are over 10 million Gangers. Which means that India has come up in the world. Union Carbride, and the plight of the untouchables are very much in the past. Which is a mercy.  But wasn’t the Flesh supposed to be a top secret project. Though there are millions of Gangers running around in India
The Ganger version of Jennifer Lucas, is preaching. The quiet factory girl, who had a crush on Rory, has gone all Norma Rae. Or perhaps Rosa Luxemborg
Revolution. yes my dear, you will start a revolution. People you have worked with for years, have fried ganger versions of there workmates, the army are about to sweep in and kill everyone. That said she would not be the first fool, with a vision. The psychosis to keep carrying on with it
``They will melt you’’ They will leave you to rot, on the floor. Not even dump you at sea. Would not Flesh, be a disease sink.
decommissioned-executed. The world comes up with more words for killing
Jennifer does remember, the deaths of the gangers, who went before. The others don’t. This does explain, why her character suddenly goes postal. She is remembering hundreds thousands of deaths that went before hand. Anyway despite The gangers swear a pact, . US or them. Cleaves who killed the ganger version of Skelton-Buzzer. Now seems to be less keen on killing. Or at least willing to hand the role to experienced professional
Ganger Jennifer, has a plan, to take the Island, and than take over the world. No Manic laughther
The  Double Doctors finish each other sentences. A little comic relief, after the plans for global bloodshed, and war.
Tardis is still  stuck, Which is why the Doctor cannot escape in it. The Two Doctors sing, the praises of the Tardis. As they fix the wiring
``Tough dependable sexy’’ So the name that the Doctor gave the Tardis from the ``The Doctors wife’’ is used openly. The Doctor than said he only called the Tardis Sexy, when they were alone
How did the flesh, read you? 
Don’t call me Pond. Amy is noticeably cold towards the Ganger doctor. Well done Karem 
You feel more affection for him, than me. Being almost the doctor, you might as well call me john Smith. Another bit of continuity. Indeed. Amy is almost pregnant.
St Johns calling the mainland. The name of the monastery is St Johns. Interesting. I presume its fictional.
Cleeves sends a message to the military We  need you to take us, off the Island. Wipe them out the gangers. The military in the future will not have boats. Though they will own acid . alt doctor notices this.
Amy is talking about her feelings towards the two doctors Really there can be only one. Was that not the plot of Highlander?
The ganger doctor stares at Amy. This is a great performance by Matt Smith. He really exudes menace. When he plays the Ganger Doctor. Its a look, or a gesture. You feel scared for Amy.
Amy looking at the wall-The woman with the eye patch. The ganger Doctor sees her, he see’s Amy wince.
``Its in my head.  why, why,’’ The Ganger Doctor grabs Amy. One of the darkest moments of the series so far.
Amy tells, the Ganger Doctor, that she saw him die
This is a big deal. It means Amy does not see the Ganger Doctor, as the Doctor. Its probably understandable. An identical copy, may be dangerous. It may be more than the Human mind, can comprehend. However Amy (Karen G and the episodes director plays it right.
The Ganger doctor and Amy, step out of the chapel. Which Is interesting as I think the Chapel, was described as having only one entrance. If there is another way, into the chapel, why didn’t the gangers try to storm the  Why why. As Jennifer said. The Alternate doctor realises what’s happening. The flesh wants revenge. This revelation does not go down well with the humans who, tell the ganger Doctor to sit, on a barrel, where they can see him easily. Buzzer-DC Skeleton. Marshall Lancaster.

Rory confronts, the two jennies'. they fight. One limps. She shows him, her scars. The two fight, and one is killed. Dissolves in the acid. Despite Rory’s admonishment that fighting each other is pointless. In the real world would Rory not have said Cat fight. Tried to dissolve there clothes anyway  One kills the other.
The sonic screwdriver can detect the differences between Gangers and Humans. The Doctor tosses his screw driver to his erastz counterpart
Am I crazy doctor?
I need you to trust him, there is that phrase again. The Doctor said it, to Amy in Flesh and stone
Oh no it was not the real Jen. It was a ganger version of Jen. Evil  Ganger Jennifer uses Rory to circumvent a safety protocol. That will cause an acid explosion
The Gangers have been eavesdropping on there human counterparts. They will let Jennifer blow up the Island, and than  re route the shuttle to the courtyard. Foreman Cleves, having taken the advice of the Oracle at Delphi Cleaves, Knows herself,

(gnōthi seautón = "know thyself) So Foreman Cleaves pretends to be a person and tells the shuttle that The code word is bad boy.
Rory comes across The discarded flesh. The bodies have decayed, of used and superseded gangers. There eyes opening, reacting to the light and movement. Are they thinking? Are they alive?.  Rory is horrified, he has been a difficult journey this episode. Remember her would have rather been att home with wife
``Who are the real monsters?'' Well indeed, and a nice question. However the problem is that monsters are kind of dangerous, and moralising about them does not help

Jennifer is big on Ganger pride
Jennifer, leads Rory, into a room, with an door, with a hermetic seal. A submarine door if that is easier for you to picture. The Humans get trapped on the wrong side.
The eyes have it. Why are they here. To accuse us.Nice little piece of psych ops. However is does point to the gangers being really different. If the eyes react to light and movement. So gangers actually see with there eyes, rather than see through there eyes. There is a difference between the school
In the middle of this, Buzzer. notes he Should have been a postman like me dad. These are not space marines. Or the crew of the enterprise. These are ordinary people. Though, one wonders what the are delivering in the late 21st century.
Buzzer confronts, ganger  Jen, over the murder of her human counterpart. Jen I am stronger buzz. Her Jaw drops to make her look less human. She kills Buzzer. Why does her jaw have to drop, why not send a spike of flesh through the jugular.
The Island  is going to blow sky high. There will no escape for our heroes.
There is a way out. There is a way out. A tunnel, Which no one noticed before. The Gangers in the courtyard, come across the alternate doctor They can recognise there own
`Call me Smith, John Smith''. Matt Smith, is terrifying here.
The world should see that. So Rory your going to tell the world, about the plight of the super secret gangers, and the world will ignore the century you come from. Allowances can be made, for Rory’s shock. Oh wait Rory is a nurse. Hence he went after Jennifer. Nurses, have to deal with dead bodies. With multiple dead bodies, with shit and blood. Could Rory not see the Medical benefits. Spare part surgery, that could last forever.
The little girl, got strong.
Oh glowing eyes.  Oh no its not Jen. Its a Gou’ald Kneel before Jen.
``All the humans in all the world. You picked the one with the clot'' Cleves vaunts over her counterpart.
Rory,  is angry that  Jens dead. I was worried something very bad, was going to happen, to Rory. Matt Smith, is not the Bunk beds are cool, Fezzes are cool Doctor here
Rory is trying to get out, of the room, he locked in behind the huge metal door. He apologies, poor Rory, he has tried to do the right thing, and it seems to have come back to haunt him. No to kill him, in a terrifying way
Than the Calvary arrives. The Doctors card, that was up his sleeve. A simple phone call home
Adam’s holo call to his father. The Ganger Doctor, or John Smith gives the lad a bit of advice, start with Chocolate for breakfast, and if your not sick by lunchtime. Your not doing it properly. Advice that I am sure went down well, with all the parents watching. Oh well it could have been worse. The doctor could have said, a Drum, was the best possible present.

A change of heart. The Gangers turn off the acid overload, Cleaves and sneezy, go to help there human counterparts
The scot gets acid burns, on his chest. They dissolve his clothes, this would be a really horrible way, to die. Though mercifully a brief one.  Though remember Jen remembers this, she remembers hundreds thousands of deaths
``I am quite handsome, from this angle’’ A wee boast, and some Gallows humour quite Scottish,  I am sorry, I am the fake. Adam, deserves his real dad. What you
Jimmy Wiggs, your a dad. The real Jimmy dies and his ganger, inherits. Remember how the doctor described it, bequeathed.
Amy slaps Rory. When they are reunited. A nice touch, She did that before.
A father talks to his son, on his birthday. As his son dances. The World of tardises, and gangers, is forgotten. Humanity breaks out, amongst the inhumanity
meanwhile Jennifer becomes ganger monster. I suppose one could say, that the Flesh has consumed her. The desire for revenge has driven her mad. However she has been given the memories of all those deaths, who would not go mad.
The human guy with the name, I can’t remember.( The Doctor would not like that)  The lad who had the sneezes in the earlier episode. Runs off to a heroic sacrifice. To close the far door, as the Jennifer monster bounds down the corridor. An enclosed space. Perfect for the use of a pike. Again why does Jennifer have to become a thing, why not let her keep her human form, and keep killing.
The Tardis falls through the floor, and into our hero's laps. Can you say deux et Machina. Speaking of events necessary to bring the plot forward. Why did Jennifer, and Jennifer alone know about the tunnel under the crypt. Did she find it, when they were all unconscious after the storm him. Did she find it, and never mention it to anyone.
Ganger cleaves herself. As does John Smith,
The Ganger Doctor, was not a fake. He was the real Doctor. Amy wants him to stay. She remembers the events of the Impossible astronaut. She wants a spare Doctor to sacrifice. If the Ganger doctor dies, than her Doctor can love
Rory, wants to Amy to get into the Tardis. He does not speak, but you see him beginning to pace, and fidget.
``Push, Amy but only when she tells you to’ The Ganger version of  the Doctors last words to Amy. Amy had told him he was going to die.
’This is my  factory, well I am wondering about the use of the word factory there. However I will let it go.
As ganger Cleeves and John smith face down the Jennifer monster we get a final touch of continuity porn ``Geronimo’’  From the Big Bang of course. The Doctor, Cleaves and the Jennifer Lucas Monster are dissolved.
The energy from the Yardis will stabilise the gangers. Well that is awfully convenient.  We would not want to have to accept people who are just like us on the inside but have a outward differences Also Cleaves brain clot is cured, by the doctor.
A father meets his son, by the seaside. With Red Balloons, the silly world of Time travel, is put away for the little Human miracles
Cleeves and Sneezy, go off to the press conference. Cleeves has been cured. The secret project that they were working on, is now out in the open.
The Tardis disappears into space. From the outside of a press conference, at the HQs of an important building. With links to the Military industrial complex
``Breath Pond,  I told you to breath’’
Amy breathes and doubles in pain. Doctor, what is wrong with her Rory asks. The Medical training has gone out
Contractions she is going into Contractions. Wait she does not look that pregnant
The Doctor give a speech which includes the word shenanigans, he mentions he likes it. The speech struck me as Ice cold. He points his screwdriver at Amy. Writing this, I am reminded of the fact that the police, will take a screw driver off, you if they find you with one in the street,
Oh my God Its not AMY. It can’t be
Amy was pregnant. So I presume, the copy copied,
Rory leaves Amy’s side. He lets go of her hand
``Doctor I am frightened’’  Amy speaks for the Audience. Millions of people drew there breath.

We see Amy pond, in a white medical outfit
Well dear, your ready to pop.
Push, push,
To be O BE Continued

It was a wow ending. I was suprised. I was a little disapointed. that Rory did step back. He must trust the Doctor absoultely.


Seriously, what just happened?

It makes no sense. Ganger-Amy was terrified. Why is Ganger Amy less than than Ganger Doctor or Ganger Jimmy. Why not hand her a hot plate

Okay so The powers that be, what a Rory and the Doctor episode. okay thats cool, so why does Ganger Amy have to die.

What happened there. If the Ganger version of Jimmy deserves to live, than why does the Ganger version of Amy not. WHY WHY WHY. Why does the pregnant version of Amelia pond deserve to die. It is death by the way. Why is her child less important that Scots Jimmy

There was a change of premise, here. The first episode, had the Gangers, has a super secret. Here there are millions across the world. Here the military contractors, take a press conference.

The episode moved away from the workaday world of the first episode in the two parter. Though there were traces of it. The Black shoe, brown boot moment. Buzzer talking about his Dad the Postman.

Lets Talk about Jen. Jen remembers dying. Okay, so play that hand out, she remembers dying, and

This was an actors show case. Matt Smith, playing John Smith-Ganger Doctor. He took the Doctor, we know and added, a hell of a lot of menace. The scenes with him staring at Amy, were difficult, the scenes of him pushing Rory away were frightening. Well done Matt Smith, he was a hell of a long way away, from ``Fezzes are cool''

Indeed, the three principles did a good job. Amy, showing real fear at the end. Yes that last scene did disturb me, as well as her, playing a slighty bitchier more selfish version of herself, she did not really want to see the Ganger version as her doctor as the same person

SADLY the show subverted the point

If Gangers are Human, than what happens to ganger Amy is murder. The Doctor killed her, and he killed for nothing.

Jen, the ganger remembers scores if not hundreds of deaths. Thats enough to drive you crazy. Her existence is wretched. Also Jen becomes a monster. She physically becomes a monster. What is the message here. Those who are traumatized by the memories of a terrible past are dangerous?

Either the deaths matter of they don't.

Jen has a point. Either Gangers are beings or they are not. So the Acid deaths, and the disposals of the gangers, is either murder or it its not. The episode, kills of people too easily. This has been a problem in Doctor who, there have been a lot of fortunate deaths. The Fly people in Planet of the Dead.

Rory earned his money The moments where he realized that ganger Jen, had betrayed him, was chilling. For a moment, you saw a good man, who had swam right out of his death Matt Smith pushing him aside too, added to it.

great performances, and a shock ending despite change the poor premise of the episode


Anonymous said…
The flesh/ ganger Amy had been there for a long time (I'm assuming since the Dooctor's death episodes), the Doctor said so himself. Therefore the Flesh has been around a lot longer than "we" knew about. Therefore there must be something unusual about Flesh Amy as you correctly stated. I think though that Flesh Amy didn't show as being pregnant as Real Amy may just have been on the cusp of pregnancy when cloned, therefore Flesh didn't become pregnant. So, Doctor didn't kill an unborn Flesh baby.
Melomel said…
The Flesh Amy is actually being remote controlled, instead of having personalities downloaded into it like the gangers were - we know this because she sees the "midwife," the eye-patched woman who the human Amy sees. The gangers did not ever see what their originals did.

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