The Doctor's Wife, Doctor Who

The Doctors Wife.

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Yes. To quote River song. There are Spoilers here

Neil Gaiman was the favorite writer of my last paramour. Jaqui (the teenage co worker, for those of you keeping track -Valya called her little girl)  She adored his books. I hope she liked this wherever she is.
 I do miss that girl,-she was so smart. This means that Neil Gaiman is the only person to write an episode of Dr Who, and Babylon 5.

The episode starts with a piece of continuity Amy is still brooding over the death we see of a future doctor in the series opener. (The Impossible Astronaut) Rory, tells her not to mention it to the Doctor. We hear knocking on the Tardis door. Despite the fact that the Time travelers are in deep space The door is opened and the Doctor gets a message. A psychic message, in a box. A distress call

The Doctor, mentions an old time lord friend. The Corsair. Firstly, a Corsair is a pirate. 
So I was confused by the choice of the name. It has been stated that Time lords choose their names. 
So I chose the name Pirate, oh and aren't most of the Time Lords who were off travelling renegades timelords. The Doctor is a renegade by the way. This is something that Steven Moffat lamp-shaded in the Pandorica opens. The most dangerous thing in the universe. Actually the Multi verse.

11 Oh and he or she, a few times a real bad girl''. I really hope that line is not cannon. Really. It annoyed me . Gender, actually the correct English word is sex. Is one of the things that defines us, and defines our relationships with others. I am sorry if you don't like that idea. Yes human things have exceptions. Human nature has always divided itself into two. If you have the Doctor changing sex. 
Russell T Davis, hinted that he liked the idea. It makes the character too Alien. It also means its, much harder for the Doctor to travel in the past. A 20-30 something single female is going to wander around medieval Baghdad is she? If you change the Doctors sex. That is gimmicky

(2021 edit -I got used to it)


The Doctor travels through a hole in the universe, to another universe. A mini universe, connected to our own. Where he meets Auntie and Uncle. Idris and an Ood Nephew. The Tardis is drained of power. Its on a rift and it should charge up
The episode feels more like something from the Russell T Davis era. There is the Doctors guilt, over the death of the time lords. The current Doctor seems to have grown accustomed to his guilt and grief. There is an Ood.  It looks as if Russell T still has copyright on them. Little Credit  on the closing credits.

There is quite a bit of continuity porn in this episode actually.

So our heroes land on an asteroid. Earth normal gravity, and air. Though this brave new worldlet smells. The Inhabitants of this rock, in another Universe. Are Uncle and Auntie, Nephew and we later discover. House. Voiced by Michael Sheen. (Nero, David Frost, Tony Blair, Jesus, and Brian Clough)

Uncle is wearing a French Foreign legionnaires uniform. Am I alone in thinking the War Chief? You see renegades have bad names, because there bad.

Idris, I guess was written for Helen Bonham Carter. That's what the look suggests. Anyway she has the soul of the Tardis downloaded into her. So it can burn out safely, leaving the tardis free for House to feast upon. So she can see outside space time. Or rather exists across space time. I could point out, that in a bubble universe the laws of causality may not apply

Biting is like kissing, but there is a winner. Oh and Fish fingers. You see is that a little continuity nod again

When you hear the distress calls, from the time lords. Who have been lost on the House. There is one with a Northern English accent. For a moment, I wondered if that was Christopher Eccleson. 
Is that the Ninth Doctor?

So the doctor wanders off, to find the missing timelords. He sends Rory and Amy back into the Tardis. To look for the sonic screwdriver he has in his other jacket. Which he just fixed the Ood's voice computer a moment ago.

``You want to be forgiven''

Anyway, it transpires that. The House, the sentient asteroid that the bubble universe is centered  on, has been luring Tardises to their doom. The message the doctor received.  The cries for distress he heard, were from long dead timelords. House had scavenged their bodies to make Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. Again, I would point out before the events of the tenth doctor's final season. The Ood were a slave race, so if the Ood came to House in a Tardis. It would not be hitching the ride with a nice person

There are some great lines in this episode. For an episode centered on the Doctor. Karen Gilliam, shines in this episode. She is more than just that long red hair, and those longer legs. She is very well written. Mothering the Doctor, in places. telling him not to get emotional. That is when he makes mistakes.

So, House, with the doctor distracted. Slips into the Tardis, trapping Amy and Rory inside. Once House has gained control of the Tardis, he demands of Amy and Rory, why he should not kill them? Rory points out that he kept Auntie and Uncle, alive for a reason. For entertainment. Killing them quickly would not be entertaining.

That leaves the Doctor to converse with Iris- His Tardis. This is the best part of the episode. Its almost a piece of fan fic. People write stories about what if the Stargate or the USS Enterprise came to life. Indeed there is an episode the ST :TNG based on that premise.

  The difference though Neil Gaiman is a talented writer. The digs at the Doctor and his relationship. We saw this in School Reunion when Rose and Sarah Jane. ( Rest in Peace Elizabeth Sladen) teased the Doctor, about him stroking the Tardis. So as the Doctor and Edris, the Tardis. Try to escape the remains of House. House, now in the Tardis, tortures Amy and Rory. Chasing them down corridors. Turning off the anti gravity, in the tardis.

The doctor flirts and bickers, with Iris. She tells him, like Amy not to be emotional, When her body starts to die. Uncle and Auntie, had expired earlier, and the universe in a bubble will reach critical zero soon. Indeed she mentions that the junkyard of Tardises. Is for her scavenging the parts from the corpses of her half devoured sisters. The Tardis is an intelligent being. The Doctor and her argue. Tardis/Iris points out that the Doctor walks inside the Tardis, by pushing the door, when the doors of police boxes open outwards.( I wonder if this is true in real life. Kudos on the research if it is) She mentions that he has done this for 700 years. When really the Doctor is nine hundred years old or so. Which means that the Doctor spent 200 years before he started travelling. 
The Tardis Idris also subverts the official history of the Whoverse by telling the Doctor that she stole him, she left her door unlocked. Interesting metaphor there. Also the Doctors insistence that he should be able to open the doors, how he wants...

(I could make a joke about mowing the lawn too)

The Doctor complains to Iris that she never took him to places he wanted to go. Seen most recently in, where Amy wanted to go to Rio. ( The Hungry Earth)Iris says no, but she took him to places where he needed to go. This has been the big change in the New series of Dr Who, particularly since Steven Moffat became the chief writer. The Doctor can now, steer the Tardis. ``In Day of the Moon'' The Doctor travels back to save River song falling off a building. Which demands split second timing.Or in the ``Big bang'' when the Doctor goes back in time to get Amelia a drink.  Steven Moffat understands time travel.

Anyway back inside the Tardis. Amy and Rory are still at the mercy of House.
House separates Amy, from Rory. Begins to torture Amy specifically here. Amy is separated from Rory, and when they meet up in a few moments. Rory complains, he was alone for hours. Again they are separated and Amy finds Rory, aged, and bitter. Ranting about her leaving him, again. He was alone for two thousand years. A plot point from the ``The Big Bang'' (*) Amy  third trial, is finding Rory's age corpse, and graffiti on the Tardis wall proclaiming Rory's hatred for her.

Than there is Darkness. House blinds Amy. (Flesh and stone)

Anyway, the Doctor and Iris escape and pursue House. The Doctor, has Iris send ``The pretty one'' a telepathic message. In this case. Its Rory that receives it, much to the doctors bemusement. The Idris sends the two companions to the secondary control room. Its it the Ninth/tenth doctors control room? Rory is given the lead, for a moment. Which is good. (*)

The Doctor, and his Tardis get the Doctor and his Tardis, inside the doctors Tardis! They atomize Nephew the Ood who had been stalking Amy and Rory. To give the viewer something to focus on as a threat.

The Doctor introduces, Irdis, as the Tardis.  Irdis, bosom heaves. Go back and watch the episode. There is a more generous view of her chest, then there was earlier

Amy's line on seeing the Tardis personified as a woman. `` Did you wish really hard'' One of the best in the series so far...

(There is no real need for this picture, by my isn't she pretty)

 House however remains. He threatens to kill them, by removing the air, or upping the gravity in there room. Iris begins to expire, the Doctor makes a deal with House, to guide him into their own universe .

So House throws the Doctor, and the Tardis, into the Brier patch.  Which is bad news for House.

So the episode closes. The Doctor bids a tearful  farewell to Iris, grateful for ``the time they talked'' She gives them a piece of advice, a prophetic sentence for the future. ``The only water is in the forest''

So they fly off to the eye of Orion. The most tranquil place in the Universe. (The Five Doctors) I told you about the continuity

(*) Rory in the events of the Big Bang, spent 2000 years as a Neston. guarding Amy. This seems to be forgotten. Or tagged in now and than. Such as the fact he was trained as a nurse. Its a pity. As I think it has potential. Rory may have have met Timelords in the past. Or at least have been aboard a pirate ship before.

Anyway, it was one of the better episodes of the new series. Possibly in the top 3 of the Matt Smith era. Along with Amy's choice. Vincent and the Doctor. Is that a good thing that guest writers write the better shows? Is the series too arc driven, and would more stand alone episodes make more sense?

Your mileage may vary...


Anonymous said…
Actually the quote is "the only water in the forest is the River".
Dr Song perhaps?

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