The Hangover part two

The Hangover part two

The Hangover, was one of highlights of last summer. I remember going to the cinema, in a bad mood, having to sit next to strangers. Normally I go to the cinema, during the week. Well anyway I remember the poor mood I was in when I sat down and watched the film

I laughed and I laughed. The Hangover made Bradley Cooper and Zach G stars.

Having had a spat at work today. I wanted something to raise my spirits. so despite, it being a school night I headed over.

I am glad I went, however it was never going to be as good, as the first one. The strength of the first Hangover was it different. I was not sure, how it would end. Now, its a formula. There was no Dodgeball sequel. There is no successor to the 40 year old virgin,or Knocked up
It would have been better to let the hangover stand alone. The appearance of Mike Tyson, at the end, did make me gasp. Than I remember, its Mike Tyson. You don't invite him to a wedding

I guess Bradley Cooper needs his star vehicle It is more subtle here, than the A-Team. It must have been a payday for all involved.

Well the gang from the Hangover. `` The wolfpack'' meet up for another wedding. The Dentist who (left his cuckolding woman, at the end of the Hangover) found a beautiful Thai soulmate. Really, how did he get her? Despite the Dentists attempts to play it safe. Having a Batchelor Brunch, in an I-Hop. (I have to go to an I-Hop one day. I miss a good brunch) Despite this he is perusaded, to reunite the gang for a wedding. Though they try to play it safe this time

``I am a stay at home son'' Zach G, still has the best lines playing the Manchild, who joins up with the three friends. The scenes of his domestic life, are great. Its always a pleasure to see Jeffery Tabor. The addition, of the monkey despite one great and crude set piece joke. Not so good

There are two sub-plots with the Thai brides family. her father not approving of her groom, and him investing his time, in his son.

There is a problem, with shock value. You have to keep increasing it. For example we are used to seeing male nudity on the screen. Rome, Sarah Marshall, and the original Hangover. When, what happens in Vegas isn't enough, I guess you have to go onto Bangkok.

I don't know if you would call it an advert for Thai Tourism. The scenes at the resort, where the wedding was hell, reminded me of Hawaii, there is something about the light too. I wanted to say its Pacific light. Than there is Bangkok. A Tigers den. We see, the backpacker bars, selling fosters. Our heroes start a riot, in one. That must be near the knuckle, with the events of late in Thai politics. (the Red shirts) The Skyscrapers and hotels. I noticed that when our heroes, called back to there resort and contacted there loved ones. They were on top of a Skyscraper. Far above the madding crowds. All human life is here. It may be significant, that the villains, our heroes run into. Russian dealers. Arab criminal, and Asian-American and American gangsters

I thought though the film passed over a little two lightly the loss of Johnnys finger. The lad, was a talented musician , and had plans to be a surgeon. It is a tragedy. Yep it is better than dying of thirst, in a bangkok lift shaft. I didn't think it was something to be glossed over. I would not have been okay, with my little brother, or son. Losing a finger, on the first night he got drunk. Also the incident with the prostitute. Screams, AIDS Test.

I saw, what was coming in the Banghok bar, like Christmas. Did they really go, all that way just to make that joke?

The other bit of commentary, may be the clinic where Bradley cooper gunshot is treated, costs six dollars.

The message is a bit confused. The first Hangover, saw one of the leads, realise he was not enjoying his life. Through the journey, the dentist got his confidence back. This episode tries to go down that part. The Thai Bride, father insults, her groom. I did think so, what You will go back to America, but that kid, lost his finger. A little bit of a confused message. Stealing prescription pads when you have kids, bad idea.

If the message of the Hangover was Post Vino veritas. Well, yeah but if you can only solve your problems, by getting that blasted...


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