The Walking Dead

This was recommended, on one of my history lists.
It was broadcast, however I missed it. I wanted to wait, until it came out on DVD. Or rather blue ray in this case. I had to search about, for a program to update it. Its from AMC, the same stable as Mad Men.

Anyway, a man wakes up, after spending several months in a coma, to find that zombies have overun the Earth. Oh look its him from Teachers
and ``this life'' Let us never mention that show again. So curiously, the first episode, has two brits. Andrew Lincoln, and Lennie Jamies pretending to be Americans born south of the Mason Dixon

Anyway Lincoln's Grimes, was an ordinary man. A sherrif's deputy, who was having troubles with his wife. (After the teaser, in which Grimes despatches a child zombie) One of the first scenes we have of Grimes, is him complaining, about his wife, washing their dirty laundry in front of there child.

Its one of the best genre TV programs I have seen, in a long time. The dead are walking. They feast on the living. Man has been reduced, to life in a hobbesian sense. Nasty, brutish and short. However are protangonists. Still deal with the workaday concerns of abusive marriages, guilt, racism and deceit. Our Hero's famil is rescued, by his partner. His wife conducts a discreet relationship, with the man who rescued her. Only for the impossible to happen, and her husband, who she believed to be dead.
To walk into the camp, were a little band of surviors had made there home..

I remember reading somewhere, an assertion that people in the past. Dealt with death much better than we do. Look at the descirptions of death, in epic poetry. X was killed, he was buried and mourned. I wonder if the interest in zombies, is inspired by our distance from death. We no longer see death. We know despite our great art and science, we will succomb to it one day. We have forgotten how to mourn. The walking dead, being longer than most Zombie movies, gives us a view of the horror of the world. Where the dead must be feared and destroyed. They cannot be mourned.

One scene has Grimes, and his friend attempt to escape the walkers, by covering themselves in the entrails, of a corpse. Another scene has lennie James attempt to destroy the animated corpse of his wife. To give him, and his son some peace

Grimes, his son, his wife and his partner are joined by a rag tag bunch
The surviors, include two brothers from the backwoods. A family of Mexicans. An Asian delivery boy, and African American town cler, Soon, it becomes clear that the Dead are not the only people that the surviors have to worry about. There is a great story in which Grimes gang confront another band of survivors in the ruins of Atlanta. Who are not what we think they are.

I am enjoying the Atlanta skyline, and scenary too. I am wondering if our little band of survivors, will make it to the Sea islands. Not only that, but the effort in creating the world 20 minutes after the apoclaypse is supberb. The abandoned Tanks, and soldiers lying dead, in the street. A flashback has a scene, in which medical staff are massacred by soldiers. Presumably to create a firebreak, to check the shambling, but steady advance of the walkers. The quiet and the birdsong

Such horror, and such humanity. As I observed with Battlestar Galatica, when faced with the challenge of Sturgeons law, this is part of the Case for the Defence


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