Doctor Who The Girl who waited


Don't you listen to River Song?

The episode starts of with the Doctor describing a wonderful planet. Apalapucia. It was the second most popular planet for an Intergalactic traveler However the first has become commericalised a planet of coffee shops. So instead, they have ``sunsets spire, and soaring silver colonnades''

As the Tardis, lands on the planet. The Doctor, and Rory, step out, Amy hangs back, to get her phone. The Doctor, asks her, if she is going to update Twitter, and Amy points out, that on a planet of wonders, than perhaps she had better bring her Camera phone.

The entrance to the planet, seems to be via a doorway, rather like a life doorway, the room, Rory and the Doctor has a green anchor on the wall, a looking glass, and several seats. Its a waiting room. The door closes behind the Doctor.

Amy having found her phone, its next to the DVDs. Comes out of the Tardis, and tries to get into the room. The Door is closed. Rory shouts to press the button, and Amy presses the big red button, with the waterfall

Amy enters an empty room, with much of the same fittings, only in this case, there is a picture of a red waterfall

Then Rory, and the Timelord seem Amy through the magnifying glass, it turns out, Amy has gone into another room. Rory steps out, of the room, goes, to the controls, and presses the red button. The room is empty

He goes back to the Doctor, and asks him, where Amy is, or rather,.`` Where oh where is my wife'' ``Its never simple''

Amy, is complaining, through the time glass. She has been there a week. The Doctor realizes the problem, Amy Pond is in a different time place

A robot beams into the room, It has no face. It raises it hand, to Rory. The hands are covered with skin.

The room is a sterile environment.tor

Amy has pressed the wrong button, as the Doctor explains to the Hand bot, The doctor tells, him that they are Aliens, and did not understand. The Hand bot replies, with Statement rejected

There has been an outbreak of a plague, Chena 7. The one day plague. So called because the plague lasts a day, and than you die. The plague is deadly to two hearted species like the locals, and the time lords. The Doctor begins to panic. The doctor . There are 40000 people in the two streams facility. The visting hours are now

Should the Doctor, enter the facility, he will die. Amy has been there for a week, in red waterfall, but has not eaten anything, for her time, is compressed

The point of the time glass, is to sync up for visits. The Facility allows people, to sit by their loved ones bedside, for a day, and watch them live a long life, instead of sitting by their beside and watching them die

The Doctor takes the the glass, and leaving Amy, dismayed afraid she will be abandoned. The doctor takes, the glass, to hook it up to the Tardis, to break into the Amys time stream. The Doctor tells, Amy to go into the facility, but don't let the Handbots, give her any medicine, as there kindness, will kill her. Amy makes her way inside, to the facility and is sprayed for her trouble

In the Tardis, the Doctor fishes out a pair of glasses, and announces that they are cool. The Glasses, are hooked up to the Tardis. Rory-Cam. This will allow the Doctor to see, and hear, as Rory moves about the facility.

A facility Amy is exploring. She is scanned, by the interface which, promises to be her guide, her teacher and her friend. A visual display, of a woman dressed as an air hostess asks Amelia her name, and observes she is traveling alone

As a resident she may now interact with the the facilities entertainment zones The mountain zone, Roller coasters, warp speed death ride, Disneyland Clom,

Amy is told, to seek assistance. One of the handbots, stops and scans her, Amy carries unregistered bacteria. Amy tells the Hand bot that, his medicine may kill her, but this is dismissed. Statement rejected. The Hand bot, goes to it secondary delivery system, and fires a dart at Amy, as more hand bots beam in. Unauthorized infection on check in Version 223.

Amy runs from the bots. ``Unauthorized resident,'' the security system announces

``This is a kindness do not be alarmed. This is a Kindness do not be alarmed'', parrot the hand bots as they close in, Amy sees a cage over a shaft, and crawls inside it, in a desperate last attempt. The robots turn back, unable to detect Mrs Rory Williams

Meanwhile in the TARDIS, Rory and the Doctor have made it to Red Waterfall. The TARDIS lands in a Gallery. There is a beautiful statue of a female nude, that Rory's eyes linger on, before being told `` eyes front soldier'' The locals, had been scavengers, of cultures, they have the Mona Lisa, beside Alien artifacts

Amy has escaped the bots, and found her self, in a white room, with doorways. The doorways lead to the entertainment zones. Amy tells the interface to stop scanning her, every time she speaks to it. She has a choice, Cinema, Aquarium, and Garden. Amy chooses the Garden and goes through the gate

Its beautiful, ( As the camera lingers on Karen complexion)

Amy tries to get, interface, to tell her about her new world. The Interface will not tell her how to hide from the hand box, so Amy has to use the computer
What are the vent thingies. The Vent thingies are part of the temporal engines, which power the Two streams complex

Amy decides to hide, and wait for the Doctor, She chooses a spot by the engines, and leaves a message on the door to the engine room, in her bright red lipstick

Rory and the Doctor meanwhile, are still looking for the Pond. (The red head, not the water) As Rory walks down another Gallery The Doctor messes with the freqencies of , and the Doctor adjusts the Glass, to show Rory, the other residents. Rory asks, are they happy?

He is knocked, on his back and threatened with a sword

I waited, I waited for you.... ```I come in peace'' replies the Time traveling nurse. The figure, in heath robinson, armour lifts its visor. Its Amy, but she is old. She tells Rory to duck, and dispatches a hand-bot. Than using her Sonic probe, she adjusts the hand-bots black box, to register as accidental failure. Amy is cool, and dispassionate and professional.

( Not unlike river song, you can see where she gets it from)

She warns Rory not to touch the Hand bots hand, as that will stun you

``You didn;t save me'' Mrs Pond, is Mrs Ice berg ``This is the saving, the Doctor, just got the time wrong.'' Roars Rory, The doctor mouths sorry

Amy says she used to think nice thoughts about the Doctor, but it got harder to be charitable as she entered decade 4. Forty years years says Rory, 36 corrects his wife Rory says she looks good, and his eyes wander ``eyes front Soldier''

Feedback knocks them out, I learned that trick on the first day

I hate him, I hate the Doctor I hate him more than everyone'' Amy damns the Doctor
You can hear every word, of this through those ridiculous glasses, can't you raggedy man
The Doctor tries to speak, to Amy but is distracted by a Hand bot

Old Amy ducks, and the two hand bots touch hands.
Feedback knocks them out, I learned that trick on the first day

I got old Rory what did you think,was going to happen. I don't care that you got old, I care that we didn't get old together. Rory is shocked by Amy's harshness, he says she is not even her. Amy berates the Doctor, who is watching them. Amy asks the Doctor, if he has anything to say.

The Doctor asks, where does Amy get the Sonic Screwdriver from? Its a Sonic probe, Amy is coldly precise again, she goes to her room, in the engines. It has a hand bot, with a painted face.
Sit down Rory, Amy commands... her Hand bot. You named it after me, replies Rory. Amy replies she needed company, and its like her pet. Besides she had disarmed it, she fumbles with her lipstick as she bickers with Rory. Her Husband sees the hand bot sans hands, and says oh, you disarmed it. ( Or Rather Dishanded it, but thats Pedantry)

Its just a robot, don't be sentimental, says Amy, brushing aside the lipstick. You'd have done the same thing.

I don't think I would... begins the Doctor ``and there he is the voice of God'' mocks Amy,
Survivem because no one is going to come for you, no1 lesson. ( Anyone else, seeing the inversion of River Song here- River is her Mothers daughter without Rory)

Amy has a probe, not a screwdriver, because she is not off on a romp. Amys life, has been 36 years 4 months 3 days of hell.

Stay or go, she says to Rory, Amy is going to the Garden, she can come with, him, as long as he doesn't get himself killed

Amy had hacked, the interface, it will tell her anything now. The Doctor asks it some technobable about the temporal engines, regulator valve. Amy has to wear the glasses. Amy says the glasses look, ridiculous. Still its not a fez, points out her husband
Rory makes her laugh, the first time, in 26 years

Rory goes off for a walk, carrying the huge glass. How can you have a door, without a wall. Holographic wallpaper, and than gets himself knocked out by a hand-bot before, it can fire its dart, Mrs Williams, nee Pond with her Katana intervenes

The doctor asks


Times, up

Amy you have to help us help you, Amy, Amy..The Scot ignores the Doctor. Her Husband, uses the Glass to see, the outline of the message, his wife, left 36 years ago on the doorway to her home

She waited. (I'm waiting is the message in faded lippy)

Why won't you help yourself, demands her husband. His older Wife explains, that if Amy is rescued, I will die, I will never exist. Everything I have seen and done, will have never have happened. Rory replies, that Amy being here, for even an hour is wrong. Amy walks off

Rory rages, at the Doctor. It is his fault, he should have checked, for a plague, he should open, a history book once in a while. The Dr responds that's not how he travels, and Rory throws off the Rory cam, glasses in fury and announces, than he does not`` want to travel with you''

Young Amy's tears are over heard, via the Rory cam glasses, and the Doctor alerts her husband, who catches sight of his wife
``Look me in the face, and say I will not help her
will not help her

Okay Okay

Look me in the face, and say it now. Rory activates the time glass, so Older Amy, can see her younger self.

Older Amy, remembers, the event.

Amy sees her older self, through the glass. Young Amy asks why she is still on two streams Older Amy tells her the Dotor and Rory, fly off in their Tardis and leave her

Rory wouldn't leave me, ``not ever,

You did. Rather the old version The me version of you. I refused to help them. I won't let them save myself


If you escape, I was never trapped here, The last 36 years of my life, will be rewritten, and I will cease to exist

You will refuse to help, when its your turn, and nothing you can say, will change that

3 words, `` what about Rory''


I called my Robot Rory

You called the robot, Rory. Why not the Doctor, or Mr Biggles. (Mr Biggles being Amy's favorite Cat- Or indeed Melody, or River)

The two amys laugh and remiss, over when Rory, came to school, with a stupid haircut, claiming he had been in a rock band, in order to impress Miss Pond. Than Young Rory, had to learn how to play the Guitar, to keep up his story.

All those boys chasing me, and it was only ever going to be Rory''

Amy, looking into the character, tells us why she fell for Rory. She would meet someone who was handsome and realize, that they were dull as brick, however Rory face became hum, and she realized, and they both said Rory was the most beautiful man, she had ever met

``Your asking me, to defy causality and the nexus of time itself

Your Amy, he's Rory, Oh yes I am,

I am going to pull time apart for you'' Rory and older Amy kiss, and hug, robot Rory whirs

Amy tells, the Doctor, she is going to cause, a temporal earthquake, she is off to change her future

Sometimes, knowing your own, future, changes it. The Doctor agrees If anyone could defeat pre destination its your wife.

There is a deal. Older Amy, wants to come too. She wants to come, too in the Tardis. There would be two of them. The Ponds-WIlliams ask the Doctor, if it will be possible, some Technobabble including the jettisoning of the Karoke bar.

The Doctor needs, Amy's sonic probe, she smiles and says screwdriver...

Rory has to reprogram, the vents. On no account, is he to touch anything yellow, while, his wives, wait by a doorway. The Doctor tells the Amys that they are too concentrate on a thought, a very strong thought. The most important thought Amy has ever had The Amys repeat the word, Macrena, Macrena, their first kiss, realises Rory

Its hardly rocket science, its just quantum physics tells the Doctor, to a momentarily

Oh my God.. oh my God. The Amys catch sight of each other. Young Amy hugs her, husband. The two Amys size each other up. They says the same words, as they talk to each other

Rory tries to break the dead lock,by saying Amy 1 speaks first..Which one is Amy 1

Rory has to take the glasses, of temporal feedback, the Tardis, tries to flee the paradox

I'm not on my own, I've gone my wives. The Handbots, then close is, offering their Kindness.
Amy gives, her counterpart a stick, and tells her to remember year ten hockey. Amy remembers this, and goes for the shin, of the hand-bot rendering it hors de combat.

The two Amy's and their husband flee down some stairs, to the gallery. Young Amy, tells her Man, that her older self, can't come with them. Older Amy says she will go traveling, she will pop back Christmas and Easter.

Our Heroines, and hero make it to the gate room. When Rory says its a teleport? The Nurse is corrected by the survivor
Its not a teleportation device but rather a time jump, it. The controls are offline. Older Amy flirts with her young husband, while she tries to jury rig, the control. She asks for a moment, and `` his cutest smile'' Rory asks her, to stop flirting. Pointing out, that future Amy is old enough to be his grandmother-( Just Rory, Just ...)

Old-Amy, has her Aristea, she dispatches several bots. Allowing Rory and Young-Amy to get to the Tardis. Think River Song fighting the Silence.

Young Amy, is touched by a hand bot, and falls unconscious. Rory picks her up, and rushes to the Tardis. Old Amy stops and watches for a moment, as her husband, brings her younger self, into the Tardis. The Doctor, sees them safely board, tells Rory his wife (Young Amy will be okay )and than, looks at older Amy, straight in the eyes.

Older Amy, runs for the Tardis door, and the Doctor closes it on her. He locks it shut.

Old amy bangs on the door, and pleads to be let inside. The Doctor, tells Rory, that it is the only way to save Amy. The Doctor admits he lied. The TARDIS could not handle the paradox of two Amy's inside it

``This isn't fair, your turning me into you!'' Rory tells the Doctor, as they argue by the Door
Doctor, Doctor, Old Amy shouts, pleads, begs to be saved

She begs Rory, to open the door, to save her. She begins to speak and remembers the look on her husband's face, as the Nurse from Leadworth, carried his young bride to safety. Which made her pause Older Amy remembered what she had forgotten I loved being Amy Pond in the TARDIS, with Rory Williams

Rory goes to open, the door. ``If you love me don't let me, I will come in, I won't go bravely. I don't want to die.. ``don't let me in'', Amy pleads with her Husband. ``Tell your Amy, I'm giving her the days. The days to come'' the twice abandoned Amy makes her Husband promise

I'm so sorry, Rory can only apologise. I'm so sorry. ``I;m giving you my days''

I'm so sorry replies Rory

Do not be alarmed, this is a kindness.

Interface, show me Earth. Show me home. Old Amy, looks on the beautiful ball, and asks interface, did I ever, tell you about a boy I met there, who pretended to be in band

The Hand Bots catch their quarry

Amy Ponds falls....

Back on the TARDIS

Did you always know it will never work, asks Rory

I promised you I'd save her, and there she is safe replies the Doctor

The Doctor leaves the happy couple, together, after sticking his tongue out at the girl who waited...

Amy wakes, she asks, ``Where is she?''


A little of Alice, through the looking glass, and in Wonderland. The two buttons, the magnifying glasses.

Its the spiritual successor of Amys choice. Which had Amy sacrifice herself, rather than be without Rory, in this case, we learn why the gorgeous red head, and Karen G, is a very beautiful woman.The camera lingers on her. Why did the red head, fall for Rory. Indeed, in the episode we see Amy without Rory, and she is hard, and cold. Our Amy with Rory, made the Doctor a game, here, she cursed him, it turned into a obsession. An angry obsession.

The episode either lets the Doctor off, at the end. The Doctor closes the Door, on old Amy, to prevent her from destroying the TARDIS, with the paradox. The Doctor admits he lied, Or has old Amy save him, depending on your point of view. If you believe that old-Amy sacrificed herself, redeemed by her love for Rory, and looking after Doctor. See the Doctors wife ``That;s just what they are called''

Also Old Amy is sacrificed, when the worst thing that will happen to young Amy, is that she will be become Old Amy

Where does Future Amy, get the pen from? I presume, its somewhere, in the world. She gets a samurai sword after. The samurai sword, might be an heirloom, that

Did Rory have to destroy the Mona Lisa, sighs...

There is a revision of Rory's character, in the last two episodes, away from the last centurion. Here he is Amy's moral compass. The Doctor notes Rory asking if the residents are happy. The scene where he berates the Doctor, for not looking at his history book, and seeing if there was a plague reminds us, of the vampires of venice.

There is some role reversal. Rory, is the object of desire. Amy is chatting about the nexus of time, and playing with a sonic screw driver. The Doctor, is sitting back, he is an onlooker

Older Amy, is quite similar to River Song. Smart, and tough. See her fighting the handbots. Its interesting to think of River, as the girl, without her fathers influence

Rory returns, to his persona in the earlier episodes. A little suspicious of the Doctors motives. After all Nurses, think Doctors, think of themselves as God, but never bother to wash their hands, or clean up after the mess

A much better episode than last weeks. This is what SF, should be about, its two people who love each other, it happens, to be set, on another world, it could have been in Verona, or Berlin 1938. The Aliens, and the Time Machines, are just means of exploring the human heart


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