Night Terrors, Doctor Who

Night Terrors


We are in a Towerblock, somewhere in London. A young lad, is scared of the dark, his mother is trying to put him to bed. The mother is dressed in what looks like a nurse/medical outfit. As Mum is about to leave. Her son, in blue and white striped Pjs, implores, her to switch the light off properly. The Mother sighs, and turns the light off 5 times

The mother goes off to work. George is left in the dark, and asks for help against the monsters.
As Clare, George's mum departs she has a quiet word, with Alec, her man. They are finding Georges phobias a burden. Maybe they should get some help...

George asks for help against the monsters.

Millions of light years, indeed parsecs, the Doctor reaches for his pocket, and takes out his Psychic paper. He turns the Tardis round and speeds of to answer the message

after all its a long time since the Doctor made a ``House call''

Opening credits....

( The episode was written by Mark Gatis,)

Amy and Rory, are unimpressed by their surroundings, they note that they could travel throughout all of space and time, and they are here, where they could have caught a bus to visit.

The Doctor counters, that they are about to visit the scariest place in the universe. A Child's bedroom

So our heroes look out for the kiddy in distress. Life goes on, an Old woman complains about having to walk down all these stairs, to empty her bins. Someone is watching BBC1, apparently there are more pets than people in the UK.

Amy knocks on the door, and it is answered by a stern looking lass, and than her sterner looking twin sister. Their mother than follows, and Amy is chased off

The Doctor knocks, on another door. The woman, we saw who had been complaining about the trek to the bins, answers. She gives a list of complains. She has a new hip, but needs new knees, When she gets her new knees she will be up and down those stairs like Sherpa Tenzing, but until than Mrs Rossiter, is unhappy with her lot,

Rory gets the scary looking landlord, and his dog, buster. Rory tells him, he is a community support Officer, and gets out

As Rory and Amy walk off to look for the Doctor, Rory opines, that they should let monsters gobble him ( The kid) up, George sees him, maybe psychic paper gets junk mail.

Rory and Amy get into the lift, having been told to try another floor. The lift hurtles to the ground.....

The Doctor knocks at another door, its Georges father, who answers. The Doctor waves his pyschic paper, and is invited in. Alec's georges dad, is pleased that they answered his cries for help, so quickly.

The Doctor asks, Alec, about his son. George is 8, he has always been a bit quiet. He never cries, even when I tell him off. How is George, he will be 8 in January. Alec thought his son, should be out growing his childhood nerves. It seems everything makes the lad nervous. He hates the lift. He thinks the Woman across the road, is a Witch. He hates clowns

Pantophobia. The fear of everything, pan, meaning everything, not pants. However if you were afraid of everything...

Rory and Amy, emerge from the Dark

Oh no, we are dead again. Is Rory's opinion on their circumstance. After being rebuked by his wife. They settle on another explanation, the Tardis, remains in ``Eastenders'' land, and Rory and AMy, have been transported back to 1700 or so

George has another panic attack, and The Doctor finally meets him. The Doctor introduces himself, and George asks if he has come to take him away. The Doctor says no, he has come to help George against the monsters

Amy and Rory are exploring, there new location. They come to a kitchen, and Amy picks up a copper saucepan of the table. Amy points out to Rory, the pan is made from wood, not copper. I is merely painted, an eye found in a draw, in the kitchen, is again made of wood Rory finds a working light swich, Rory and Amy thus deduce that they are not in 1700. Amy takes the Pan, to use as a club, and the Ponds move on

The Doctor is frustrated by a rubik cube. The Doctor talks about his bedtime stories, a thousand years ago. The three little sontarans, The Emperor daleks new clothes, and the Snow white, and the seven keys till doomsday. The Doctor, talks about getting something out of the Cupboard. George says not, in the cupboard

There is a knock on the door. The Landlord, comes in, he asks for the rent. Alec does not have it. There is a bit of back and forth, The Landlord, tries to intimidate, Alec a little. Just a little.

The Doctor decides to distract George, he uses his sonic screwdriver to make Georges toys move
He scans, the cupboard, and the readings go off the scale. Georges Monsters are real!

Amy and Rory, are still walking in the strange house, where they arrived after falling from the lift. There is a grandfather clock, with the hands painted on

The Doctor and Alec, make tea. The Doctor, is talking about George. Alec, gets uneasy. Alec is realizing something is off about the Doctor. Alec, asks the Doctor, to leave. He tries to get, the Doctor, to stop making tea

``Crimson stars and Silent stars.... and civilizations made of pure thought. Look at these eyes, they are old eyes. I am telling you that Monsters are real''

``Your not from social services, is Alec's reply to the Time lords assertion

Amy and Rory, are still exploring. They open, a door. They find a doll. Rory says its weird. Amy points out, that this is a bold statement from `` a time traveling nurse''

The Doctor, has made his tea, and is drinking it with Alec, while looking at a photo Album, of George and his family.

The Doctor, deals with Monsters, Breakfast, Dinner and tea. Thus, he is going to open the cupboard!

The Landlord, we saw earlier. Is sitting alone, he has a takeaway, and a glass of red wine, he is channel surfing, there was supposed to be boxing on. There is nothing on. Bererac, but thats 30 years old

The Doctor Opens, the Cuboard. There is nothing, but an old dolls house, and a table top,

The Doctor stars to think. When was George born, he asks Alec, 2002. The happiest day of my life. The Doctor, asks Alec, to tell him about the Birth, he cannot remember. The Doctor takes Alec, to the photo album. There are pictures of Alec, and Claire, in 2002. At Chrismas, and Clare is not pregnant.

Well of course, Claire cannot have kids. Why did he Forget, wonders Alec, they spent so much on IVF.

George is sitting on his bed, in Silence. The Doctor, asks George, who he is...

The Toys start to move. George asks the Doctor, and Alec, to save him, from the monsters
The Doctor and Alec, are pulled into the cupboard, by some unearthly force

Rory is begining to panic, Amy scolds him. The Landlord, is running towards him, chased by the dolls, the catch up, with the landlord, who is turned into the dolls. One of the truly creepy scenes of the episodes.

Okay, Panic now, as Amy and Rory run off. Chased by the dolls. The manage to find an empty room, and barricade themselves in

The Doctor and Alec, wake up in the room, where Amy and Rory were earlier. The Doctor recognises it as the Dolls house. The Doctor demonstrates this, by showing Alec the wooden, food, that has been set out on the table. A roast chicken, and a melon. So its either the Dolls House, or a retreat for rich people who like to eat wood, or Termites trying to get on the property ladder.

When asked by the Doctor, about the Doll House being Bigger on the Inside. The Timelord, replies its more common than you would think. Alec asks how, could he have forgotten, Clare could not have kids. The Doctor replies a perception filter

Rory& Amy are still besieged. Amy suggests they open the door. The push past the dolls/dummies, and make a run for it. They open the doors, and run. Amy is not quick enough, and Rory sees her turn into a doll. She keeps her red hair though

The Doctor is explaining, to Alec, that putting all the things that scared him into the cupboard. That created a Pyschi repositry. The Doctor and Alec, is chased by one of the dolls. The Sonic does not work on it. I have to invent a setting for wood, moans the Doctor, after Alec has asked him, if he has a ray gun

The Doctor realises, George is a Tenza. An Alien cuckoo, who formed an attached to Clare and Alec. As the Timelord, and job seeker fight off a dummy-doll, dressed as a soldier. Alec finds an overlarge pair of safety scissors and the dolls are kept at bay

The Doctor, asks after Amy, and Rory, who has reunited with the Doctor, points to the shocking red hair, on one of the Dolls. The Doctor shouts to George. That only he, can save them from the Monsters. He begs, him to help them. George starts to walk towards the cupboard, with his eyes closed. As the Doctor, and Rory and Alec, are caught between two sets of dolls.

George opens the cupboard. The dolls stop. For a second, everyone is safe. George is brought into the Cupboard. Then, there is movement,

The Doctor realises George is frightened of something still. Something more than dolls, and the noise of the lift. The first words George spoke to the Doctor, are replayed. A doctor come to take me away. George had overheard his parents, discussing his problems.

George is swarmed by dolls, and panics. Alec, rushes to his aid,and tells him, he is father, and will never let him go.

The Old lady wakes, up by the bins. Amy and Rory wake in the lift. The Landlord, in his flat. Amy remembers being a doll.

Clare returns, to the Doctor making kippers for breakfast. Everything seems better, George is playing happily. As the Doctor slips away, Alec asks him, if George, will be alright. He will be fine, muses the Doctor. He will be anything you want him, to be. Though Puberty may be a bit rough

As Team TARDIS goes off to save more civilisations, we are left with a sobering image of the Doctor, and the date of his death....


Of course, the kid is scared, His father is Jim Keats, from Ashes to Ashes ! He is the Devil! Which is a pity, because here he does not have a lot to work with

This is the fear her, of this season. Very soon forgotten. I suppose anything that came after lets kill Hitler, was going to seem slow, but this episode was a dogs breakfast at times

350 pounds a month, for a 2 bedroom flat in London, is a very very generous rent. Perhaps there is a bit of criticism, of the Russel T Davis years here. ``Eastenders in space''

The continuity porn. The 7 keys to doomsday reference, seems forced. As does the we are dead line, from Rory. Yes we know you know

The problem with this episode. Is that there things more horrifying than Daleks. A child watching his family destruct because of his problems. The fear and stigma, of having to invite outsiders, in to your home, to get some domestic peace. Is terrible. It makes the episode look flippant.

Rory goes from the Last Centurion, to a wimp again. Watches his wife, die and moves on.
Some of the best lines were the landlord. Its a problem with a fantasy program, realism, is your enemy


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