The Stainless Steel Rat.

I noticed this today at work. Its from 1986. Its one of the old choose your own adventure books. In this case, its the Stainless steel rat series.

The Stainless Steel rat, was written by Harry Harrison. I did a High school project on his works, when I 15. I read a lot of books, when I was that age. West of Eden, which is about the world, as it would have been, if the Dinosaurs, had not been wiped out, by the Asteroid

Anyway, the Stainless steel rat books, are set in a future. Where the Galactic empire, fell a few generations ago, and the galaxy has fallen into a decline. Its a rather orderly decline. Most of the Human race, is content in a world quite similar to the modern age, just with starships, and the occasional Alien. In fact its something of a Utopia. Crime does not really exist. To much CCTV, and robot police can be everywhere I suppose. Its something of a 1960s view of the future. Think the Jetsons.

Then there is punishment which is a form of lobotomy. Those with criminal tendencies, are cured. They become the walking dead. There is a description of Angelina. The rats, love interest former partner having been captured. The Guy who was once a criminal mastermind, is now just a fat man. He will forever be just the fat man.

Lets get back to Stainless steel Rat. Slippery Jim di Gritz bored with his life. Decides to become a thief. He steals from the rich, and insured for kicks, and money...

I remember, the word. Our society, leaves nothing for the gentleman adventure, of the soldier of fortune. We are offered a choice of everything, or nothing. I chose nothing for the protection of my own sanity

Funny thing I now realize, Di Griz, is basically something of a sociopath. For his own amusement, he causes chaos. He steals, and causes panic. When he is smart enough to have a well paid job, with everything he could want. In fact a lot of the Galaxy, is not up to the level of Modern tech. Treating polio, in the boon docks of Sierra Alpha not interest you than Jim?
Anyway Di gritz is recruited into the Special corps. The secret organisation of the Galactic league. Led by Harold Peter Inskip.,_1st_Viscount_Caldecote
When I would read about that policitican, I would always remember the series

That said the series was quite fun for a teenager. Di Gritz, was always drinking beer, and smoking. When not getting into scrapes. I remember him grinning, when his boss, was unable to describe Jim's wife as pregnant. There was Angelina. I always wonder if Ms Jolie, chose that name on purpose. Its funny, as I heard there was a rumor of a Stainless steel rat, movie, with Angelina playing Angelina, and Antonio Banderas playing the Rat. The film, if it was ever planned seems to be in development hell somewhere. Whenever I think of Angelina, the character I think of Angelina the actress

Angelina, is a curvy petite Brunette, for those of you keeping score back home. In one episode she wears a fur bikini.

This is what I read, when I was 14 and 15. You would have found me in the library, looking at books on photography, because they had nudity, and checking out the Stainless steel rat books


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