Mi Rosa

I have changed the spelling of her name, to avoid spam. I want to tell the world, why she is great. Stephanie is a long term reader of my blog,
She has been reading consistently for the last year at least.
Anyway, firstly the name is lovely. It graces the legend Ms Germanotta, the pride of New York. I always liked the name. There is Stefanie powers, Ms Jennifer Hart
Now currently gracing screens, again
There was a Brazilian girl, I had a thing for in college. However enough of these girls. Stephanie is in a class by herself.
I remember the first time, I met her in person. I was at the Airport in Chile. It was late, it was 1.30 am.
Stephanies, flight had left Peru, a few hours earlier, but the time difference between either side of the Andes, had meant she would arrive in the small hours, in Chile
I waited for her nervously. scenario’s running in my mind, what if she does not show? What if she is kept all night at immigration?
Will the taxi driver wait for us? What if she exitsby the other door?  What if the airport closes
Well, as I pondered and pondered, my questions were answered
She looked so elegant. Her hair is long and dark, it matches her eyes. Her face is oval shaped, and feminine. She has very soft and full lips.
She was wearing high heeled boots, which made her, just a touch taller than me. So it looked to everyone, like I was meeting a model. A beautiful exotic model
I escorted her safely through the terminal, and we went to Santiago, but first I presented her, with a small plush version of Paddington bear.
As both, Patsuro and Sthephanie are compatriots

She is modest, like a school girl, and very refined. I accompanied her to church twice. One in Chile, in the heart of Las condes. The richest neighbourhood, in the richest city of a continent.
Where she looked elegant and pious. I was very proud to walk along the street after church, with her. It was a long way, for my little rose. Who was in high heels. But we returned safely
The other time, in Peru, on streets of jerry built shops, and dust. She tells me off for picking my nose.  She blushed and blushed when her father saw us kissing.
She worries about my health. When I fell, in Santiago. We were walking around that park, which is just up from the Plaza Italia. The cities main bus terminus, is at one end, and the students
have their lair at the other end. We were walking through the park. She did not like my grey j crew, tracksuit bottoms, because they are worn. I fell.
There was a manhole cover, concealed by the dust of a bike track
I did not notice. I was confused by a sign, quite common in Chile. It is of ice-cream. Imagine a cornetto, and its marked as savoury. Its very confusing
Yes something sweet, is advertised, with the words, for things which are not sweet. I pointed at this. Than I fell. Than I fell, again. Than I threw a tantrum because it hurt,
My hands hurt. My arm bled. Than I was feeling stupid. Stephanie took care of me. This was a day, when she was feeling not to well, herself. Earlier, she had to sit down,
because of an upset stomach. However, Stephanie cleaned and bound my wounds.

She would regale me, with hot tea, and cake. When I had a cold. Despite wanting to dance, and drink long drinks, with umbrellas.

Her great passion is gastronomy. I had the great pleasure of accompanying her to a Peruvian eatery. A great patriot. She would comment, on when the music, was Peruvian, and when it
was from one of the other countries of the Andes, or South America. She introduced me to Yellow dishes of sweet potato. To dried fish, and onions, and rice. Exotic cordials, and Inca cola
She even cooked for me. My apartment in Lima, wanted for a stove. Stefany improvised a delicious chicken meal. With Peruvian condiments, which made my mouth water. The condiments were wrapped in leaves. It was not like food, that I had ever eaten before. However it was still delicious

Family is her second great passion. I don’t want to talk to much on this, for fear of sharing, that which was shared with me in confidence. She is comfort and great strength to her brothers and sisters. The joy of her father, she gets on well her mother.
From this she draws her strength as a teacher. I had the pleasure of meeting two of her students. Two little angels, working hard, to improve their English.
She worked patiently with one. The younger. The younger has excellent pronunciation . No doubt, because she has been set, a fine example, by her teacher. She is serene, as she works. One would imagine, one of the muses made flesh


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