
It has gone 4am, here. I cannot sleep. I went to work tired yesterday. I remember looking at my watch, at 4.30 in the morning, I thought it cannot be that late. But it was 5.30 an hour later, and than 06.15. So, I got up at Actually, at 0955 am. I showered and had a crude breakfast, of crisps and caramel bars. I made it into work. I spent the whole day replacing books, it seemed. My boss decided, to let two people go early. Despite the fact that we were, seven people down already.
Anyway, when I came home. I thought I would fall asleep easily. I took, Nytol, and boots herbal sleeping aid. Neither worked at all. I tried reciting the names, of cartoons, and TV programs. It has not worked. All my life, I have been prone to bouts of insomnia. I remember I once, got a detention. I stayed up the whole night before. I am not sure, why. I remember an espeically bad period of sleeplessness after, I split from Jaqui.

January is over at least. That is something.


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