Magazines and Doctors offices

Magazines in the Doctor's office….
Of late there was a BBC documentary about Irish soldiers, who deserted to the
allied side in WW2. The BBC is looking for them to be Pardoned. As is the Irish Times

Someone asked me, if there was any threat to the Irish state at the time.
Well indeed there was, what Dan Byran called ``our Pearl harbour''

Almost the entire Irish states military resources were captured.

This AH starts with the the death of Sean Russell. The IRA chief of staff, in
1939. Russell is to die, earlier of the gastric ulcers, that plagued him all his
life. For giggles make it in Detroit. Just after Russell was arrested by the Secret
service. In our time line he was arrested because Colin Firth, (Sorry George VI
was visiting Canada, and was just across the border) , have the Ulcer, burst
while he is in American custody. For fans of everything connects have Father Coughlin say the last rites. Now in our time line. ( OTL from now on) there was a protest in the House against the arrest of Russell, and
rather cutely it gives Coughlin, a last national story to front.
With the death of Russell, the S Plan, filters out in England, as the IRA
The deaths of Barnes and Mcomrick, mobilised a lot of popular support in
Ireland. With Russell dead. Have Sean McBride, move back into the organisation.
Thinking that he can lead, a popular front republican movement. For a while he
will succeed. The purists, will drift away, from him in time. This does not
actually matter. While the hard boys, are quieter, they are getting more guns
and ammo, from the US and the UK. That's where Coughlin came in handy.
Anyway they are making bombs, they are scouting targets. With Russell dead, and
McBride on paper in charge, they are quiet for a year. They are still doing
robberies, Bakers Vans.
So McBride, leads protests and sit ins. The use of the treason act, and the
offenses against the state act are challenged in the Irish Courts. McBride holds out
the promise of a reunited republican movement, that FF want
So McBride, will be the leader nominally at least of the IRA. He will also be
the figure head of a popular front movement disaffected against Dev's
government. For the moment, its mostly peaceful. Its members are IRA men,
republicans. Communists Some Pro Germans, who are just there for devilment?
Some of FF, want to explore the offer. There are those who argue Dev sought a
truce with the IRA, until about 1940. ( Bryan Girvin)
Events from outside are going to take over....
Special branch, in Ireland, has their headquarters in Dublin Castle. (As one
presumes, that someone really decided to mess with the minds of Irish subversives)
The IRA smuggled a bomb into special branch offices. Now with McBride's
leadership, we will make the IRA militarily less ambitious,
Instead of trying to capture the ammo at Magazine fort. They content themselves
with destroying the ammo. Which tactically makes sense since, the Irish Army
are useless without it too. This also mean a larger attack on Special branch. A
bigger bomb, and have someone with a grudge take Alan Clarks advice and wait for
the survivors to come out. Waiting with a tommy gun
The explosion, is dramatic and distracts Irish law enforcement, allowing the
Ira to get away. In otl, some were just captured after the event. This time, the
Ammo and the files, are destroyed
The result is that the Irish state, is now basically defenceless. It's
ammunition stores have gone up in smoke. In our timeline, they were recovered.
But a year has passed
Its July 1940..
Now it gets interesting. Dev orders, the Garda after the IRA. So instead of a
large operation with a visible tail, and prisoners captured to interrogate. The
IRA has been quiet. Sean McBride, leads protests against the Police tactics. He
takes it out to to the streets
There are sit in's and strikes, and marches across Ireland.
However despite what McBride thought
``They have not gone away you know''
Turns out, McBride, was not in the charge, of the organisation. ( Or perhaps he
was. The Irish intelligence agency believed he was too close to the soviets.
Lying outright to him, when he asked for information on British forces across
the border. Its 1940, and Moscow and Berlin are still allied.
So the special branch men go out. They round up dozens. But when night comes,
it's a different story. The IRA are eager for a fight. They are a few hundred
men, with fewer weapons
Except that the Irish army are not much better off.
And the Garda are worse off.'Brien_(policeman)
Now imagine, that was a
village policeman who had pissed off the wrong person in West Cork
In normal times, the state security forces would win this easily. But it's not
normal times its an emergency.
So Devalera is looking for bullets. Churchill refuses. France has fallen, and
asking for help, from Germany, is giving Churchill, another excuse to act. DE
Valera tries to bluff his way out. But the country is in trouble. A mood of
general lawlessness and protest and once, it becomes apparent, that the IRA can
act with impunity in some areas things begin to snowball. A shoot out, with some
B-Specials who live don the Irish side of the border. Raises tensions with
Northern Ireland . Across the Island Scores are settled. Churchill, will not act
to save Dev, if Britain should fall, than it should take Dev down with him. Not
an inch, not a bullet.
Somewhere in Meath a parachute lands, with a few German rifles, and a small
amount of ammo. In our timeline, a German parachutist was landed successfully
there, and with the support of Irish groups other than the IRA, or the state
evaded capture for a year. The rifles are used to scare of a robbery at a bank
in Old Castle. Was it the IRA, was it local thieves. The news is reported around
the world. Dev is not in control. The Garda are exhausted. The RC church, is
looking to buy ammo from Salazar, and Franco. They will not sell.
In September 1940. Archbishop McRory, and Lemass, and Douglas Hyde insist dev.
to ask FDR for help. FDR agrees on the insistence, that the Irish open there
ports, at least to US shipping.
Dev agrees, in the winter of 1940. The second Irish civil war began. Despite
joining the united nations during the war. Ireland would never be a happy member
of the Allied family. It did not join NATO, and remained outside the EEC until


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