
Showing posts from February, 2012

BL Dr Who

   TV's former Doctor Who David Tennant visits a library

Among the dead

I was on my way, to a different supermarket. I had decided to pick up two pairs, of cheap jeans. The bus passed the local municipal graveyard. On the spur of the moment, I got out, and had a look. I am not sure why. Perhaps its because there were scenes from The remembrance of the Daleks, filmed there. I had re watched, this on DVD lately. Robyn has been asking for pictures of the neighbourhood, of late. I recollected an old R.E teacher, mentioning she loved, to walk around grave yards. So, I thought a few extra minutes, stroll would not hurt. The first picture, is to those who served in the two World wars and do not, have a a grave to call their own. Here is the resting place, of a member of the women royal air force's_Royal_Air_Force Killed in Service. Alongside her rest the London Scottish, Canadians, and other comrades

Frank Carson

Francis `Frank'' Hugh Carson Paratrooper, Catholic, Comedian, Fundraiser 6 November 1926 – 22 February 2012
Happy Birthday to my brother Many happy returns
Happy Birthday mother Today is my mothers birthday. Many happy returns
Toilet duck season is open again


Gracias, Thank you making me wake, up and use the computer, and not use my blackberry in bed Gracias. I am sorry to have been so silly yesterday


In memorial, to a neighbour of mine. Who passed away last year, so young

Mi Reyna


Transformers Dark of the Moon

Transformers Dark of the moon. Its quite long The film runs at over two hours. Over two hours, for a summer popcorn movie based on a toyline?   I guess a 9 year old would sit through that, but a six year old? There were no Dinobots alas  The Wreckers however, make an appearance. The Wreckers, were from the British comics. Per Wiki, its Dale Erhart jr, who drives one of the cars. As the population ages, mythic history now begins, in 1960. Whence History books used to end, mythology now begins. Doctor Who, took us to the Moon shot, The First Class of the X Men, took us to the Cuban Missile crisis The trailer, contained most of the highlights of the opening minutes. A space battle, and the last of the Primes, before Optimus, escapes from Cybertron bearing some new technology.  This Prime known as Sentinel, is voice by Leonard Nimoy, I had to look that up. I thought it was Ernest Borgine! The Autobot ship crashes onto the Earth’s moon. So we have a brief period piece. McNamara,

The Doctor the Widow, and the Wardrobe. Doctor Who

Doctor who Christmas special 2011 The Doctor the Widow, and the Wardrobe The opening shot is a of a huge spaceship cruising above the Earth,   Its Gun ports open, but unlike the Minbari, this is not a salute.  We hear the threat ; ``People of Earth, you stand alone. ..''  Intruder alert alarms, are activated and we see the Doctor running down, a corridor. The corridor explodes around him. The Doctor is blown out, into space. ( Thank you Commander data) For a few moments there is the Batman can breathe in space, trope. The Doctor is in a hard vacuum trying to catch up with a space suit. The Doctor survives a sub orbital skydive, and disturbs Claire Skinner Claire Skinner, the mum from outnumbered, can live with the fear of typecasting. She inhabits an English idyll. There is a red telephone box, which dates the scene for British viewers, and establishes the scene for the Cousins. Hello are you hurt? Claire asks, of the Doctor, who is lying in a crater, in a field.
The Dying The Dead


Febuary is the month of Sthefany 1/Her big dark eyes, which are like pools of Jet 2/The wonder that is the Kisses storm 3/She is so patient, even with someone who is always grumpy. 4/Her full lusciuous lips that Angelina would envy 5/Her patience and kindness when teaching her students 6/Her beautiful musical voice 7/Her expert skills in the kitchen, fixing complex meals like Cebiche 8/She looks beautiful in her Yellow shirt 9/ She does funny impressions of people like Malchera 10/She looks after someone she knows, who has problems with drink 11/ She looked after Malchera, when he was sick, in Peru and brought him hot tea, and cake 12/Her fine son 13/ She helps Malchera, when he falls over. He falls over a lot 14/ She always listening to Malchera's stories 15/ She is so young! 16/ Her wonderful rosy skin 17/ ``Rosy and Rurr!'' 18/ She looks after her Father 19/ She is very patient, with the most difficult of people, who are close to her
Fingers crossed that Sthefany bear, gets her Visa!