King of the Hill, an appreciation

I remember watching this, before I went to the USA. I remember the adverts of channel 4. It was scheduled for Friday night's just after or before fraiser. However, I really came to appreicate this show, when I was in North Carolina. It was a feature of Sunday nights. Simpson's and than king of the hill. As the week wound down, I would watch it with my friend. Its very quotable. Its different to the Simpsons, and family guy, in that it is sent in a more realistic universe, and unlike those two. King of the Hill, carries a unashamed small c conservative message. Where as Peter in Family Guy is New Englander and Cleveland Brown is a Virginian. . Though Peter would probably have moved out of Connecticut by now. Hank Hill, is a proud Texan. This is the heartland, his woman is from Montana. The Hills, are the old west.

My brother picked up the third series of the show, for me, one Christmas a few years ago. It had been sitting on a shelf, and so, one day. Riddled with anxiety, and wanting something to do, I put it on.

But time, has moved on. One member of the cast. Luanne, played by Brittany Murphy has been lost. Lost too young. The stories revolve around Hank Hill, and his family. Hank and his wife, Peggy, Hank a propane salesman, and his wife, a substitute Spanish teacher. There son Bobby. Luanne, Peggy's niece, pert and pretty and thrust into the Hill's home due to domestic disturbance and violence. Hank is pretty content, he enjoys his job. He enjoys working on his truck, and house he loves to mow his lawn. The Hills inhabit suburban bliss. The remaining characters are fleshed out, from their work places, and neighbourhood. There is Dale, a conspiracy theorist, exterminator, being cuckolded, by his beautiful wife. Bill the Army barber. Who went through a messy divorce, and now loves Peggy. As I got older, it was Bill, who made, me laugh the most. To see a man, so clearly beaten down. Watching the series again. I like it more, as I realise, the relationship between Bobby, the little fat boy the hills raised, and Hank, an old ex football player is not unlike mine and my fathers. Hank is adept in the blue collar world. When grilling a steak, or fixing a lugnut, or catching a pass. Like Bobby, I was interested in comedy. Though not celeryhead. God no.

I worked through five seasons. The series, shows Bobby, develop, and go through puberty. There is a great episode where his friend Joseph returns from summer camp, having shot up a few inches, in the summer. Bobby, has not got there yet. The episode, shows the two sides of puberty, quite well. The early bloomers, and the late developers. Bobby, despite being the same age as his friend, must order off the kids menu. To save a few dollars Joe, cannot ride his bike, and is clumsy, and tongue tied, and if he hears, the same joke about his height he will snap. There is a cash and carry supermarket chain, nearby. Which due to there being forklift trucks on the shop floor of the food section banned the under 12's from going in there. I was turned away once, when I as 13. I still remember the grief.

The show is proudly Texan. It is also clearly red state. There is an episode, in which Bobby, is shown to be an excellent shot. He and his father, spend the day, shooting at a father son, shooting competition Something that the series, remembers. Series, was good for the first few years with continuity. Than Network pressure and the departure of one its showrunners, took its toll.
There are gibes at the experts. The Pilot, features an over sensitive and inquisitive social worker, trying to get Bobby Hill, removed to fostercare, on the basis of neighbourhood gossip. Environmentalists, brag about destroying 300 logging jobs and saving the snail darter. That said

Appears in an episode. One of the better ones will Bill.

What I like in the series. Is that it knows when to make its characters strong and when to weaken them. There was a British TV pilot on over Christmas. Starring David Jason, as a royal Bodyguard. It treated him, as frank Spencer. Well,no. Frank Spencer, was shown to have moments of greatness. His RAF service. His work on the Wendy house. In the David Jason, show, his character was portrayed as a moron. A moron, who risked people's lives. That is a mistake to easily made in comedy. Idiots are tiresome. Bill dautrive, can be shown as a fool, 90 percent of the time. When he puts on his uniform, he is Sgt Bill, US army. There is a difference between smiling and sneering and King of the Hill captures it


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