
Showing posts from June, 2012

Today in History

According to tradition, when two emissaries asked Rory O Connor to spare the site returned, back they remarked, on this being typical for an architect H/t The Irish time Ruin of Public Record Office marked loss of Great Archive ANALYSIS:  NINETY YEARS ago today, on June 30th, 1922, the biggest explosion seen in Dublin before or since took place at the Four Courts. Mines exploded in the basement of the Public Record Office, which was at the western end of the Four Courts complex, and the records of the Irish administration from the 13th to the 19th century were almost totally destroyed. Anti-treaty forces had occupied the Four Courts complex in April 1922, and had made the Public Record Office their munitions block, where they stored mines and ammunition. They were asked, in person and in writing, on three occasions, to remember that the history of the country was in their safekeeping, but they did not seek another location for their munitions. When the Free State army be

My DVD player broke

Ten years of good service. The first electrical item, I bought on amazon. I had it sent to work. The orange stickers, are instructions for my brother on how to use, the player.

Peruvian Historical pictures

Tupac Amaru A female patriot A scene from Peruvian history The Post war presidents of Peru

Deep Space Nine episode idea

Ancient History Episode takes place before in the cards. Klingon transport, arrives on Deep space 9. Kai Wynn is there to meet, the crew as the disembark. The crew, is a group of elderly bajorans, weirdly dressed in Klingon uniforms. Old soldiers. Martog, is slapping the backs, of the bajorans as they leave the air lock. Shaking hands, and wishing them well.  Kai Wynn, greets the Bajorans, and offers prayers and thanks for them. Pointing them out to children. The camera looks up to see Sisko frowning. Start credits.... Kira Neris, has been off to Bajor. She meets Kai Wynn at the Air lock, where they extend pleasantries. As Kira, see;s the Kai's shuttle depart. There is word of  an outbreak of a plague , between Bajor and DS9. There will be a quarantine. Anyway, we see a series of odd incidents, Martog introduces Worf, to one of the Bajorans. Worf is cold. Odo, stops and asks the Bajorans, for their knives. Odo, is clearl

The rains of Castamere

Image .  Part of my obsession with all things Game of Thrones. The Reynes, defied their feudal overlords, the Lannisters. Who, destroyed the house of Reyne, and left there seat at Castamere to the mercy of the wind and rain. This is a popular song on Westeros Yet don't Tigers kill Lions!

Alan Macdonald

12 October 1963 – 23 June 2012 Father, Golfer, Footballer, Coach

Who is girl in the reflection?

Wer ist die junge Frau? This picture was taken in Colonge in 2006. It was the first time, I went to Germany. I walked past a fancy dress shop. Which was advertising a 1970s outfit as a pimp outfit. I took a picture, to show people how PC it was. I was looking at the pictures on Saturday. I saw, the girl. I wonder who she is?

Happy birthday big sister

Many happy returns to my Bog sister, pictured here sometime in the 1980s, with my brother and I

The contest

This is my father and youngest brother. They had a wager, on how long they could walk with their arms, outstretched, My father, is over 65, and my brother teaches trouble youths...

In defence of Jimmy Carr

In defence of Jimmy Carr Jimmy Carr, is a British comedian though he  is of Irish descent.  In fact I think his family, are from Limerick. This is occasionally dog whistled by other Irish comics. Anyway, the shocking news, is that Mr Carr, has been using an accountant to avoid paying tax Mr. Carr's advisers Advised Mr. Carr, on a scheme, to legally. I stress the word legally to avoid paying his taxes. Per Twitter, Mr. Carr managed to avoid paying about 1.5 million pounds on a 3.2 million income Per David Cameron, this is immoral behavior. Mr. Carr, who has not broken the law.  Appears, on the BBC which is the national broadcaster in the UK The BBC is paid for by TV license  Mr. Carr, who has done charity work, including benefit gigs , for elderly Irish people. Yet Mr. Carr earns  rebuke from the Prime Minister, a man, who goes on tour, with arm dealers. If this is such a shocking act, why has not Mr. Cameron and the House, closed the loop hole?  There is a double standard, w

ZDF salutes the Irish fans

German TV saluting the Irish fans, at Euro 2012 According to the translation, they describe the fans as like being at a summer camp, when the supervisors have turned their back. Commiserations to the Ukraine, who lost 1-0 last night, and Bon chance a France

The envy of Scotland

Good luck Ukraine !   Удачи Україні    !Удачи Украины! For future reference Scotland were playing England in the European championships, on the 19/6/2012.  So I can understand how many a Scot would have wanted to fly the Corn and Sunflower flag of the Ukraine.. I have visited both Scotland and Ukraine

Bridgnorth Delicatessen

Bridgnorth Delicatessen I ordered some jars of Marmite, to be sent to mi Coya. She had developed a taste for this, during my stay with her.  So I ordered a few jars through Amazon. Alas, between the Islands and Lima, things went astray.  The good people at  Bridgnorth Delicatessen, very kindly refunded my order. Which I was quite pleased with. So, I am happy to mention them here
A happy fathers day, to  my father. I have treated him, with a Kindle Touch. I hope he likes it.

Profanity gives a relief seldom rivalled by prayer

I just watched Ireland crash out of the European championships

Whose terrible socks?

They are native!

Happy Birthday Ruki

Happy birthday to my friend Ruki Enjoy your day,


Grrrr,  a gift from my great friend

Ray Bradbury

August 22, 1920 — June 6, 2012 Author of Fahrenheit 451, The Sound of Thunder, Writer, Magician,Husband, Father, Pedestrian. 

Today is my Grandmothers Anniversary

She passed away, on this day, more than a few years ago. I remember my Grandmother, as the woman who brought me tayto’s when I had been told off, and sulking one day, at her house. I remember her towards the end of her life, in bed, with an oxygen machine, making small talk with her. I remember her as being quite tall. Taller than my mother. Taller than my Grandfather, who age had bent over, but not subdued. I remember her hair was black, unlike my Mothers mothers, who had grey hair. Her name was Katherine.

I will wait

As, I said yesterday. I will wait


Wolf - Single Wolf Howl Powered by I shall wait, I shall howl, when the moon is high, and even when it rains. I shall wait. Until the pack is together together

Happy Birthday Rebecca

Many happy returns Mrs H. A toast to your new sister in law’s Husband, and to the greater birthday soon to come! Many happy returns on this wonderful day for you and your family!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Harris

Best wishes, to your families on your wedding day