The Dandy


It is was sadness I learn, that the Dandy is to close. I remember it well from my childhood years. My cousins, used to subscribe to both the beano and the Dandy, and my trips to there home, in the summer were punctated and illumated by reading both comics. My father indeed was caned for reading the Beano, in class.

Looking back, now. Desperate Dan, is a figure from the past. He is a cowboy, in a world which has moved on from Westerns somewhat. The Cowboy does not hold the commanding heights of youth and popular culture it did, decades ago. It did for our parents, or grandparents even great grandparents of the readers of today.

The Caledonian origins of the Dandy were clear. The Jocks and the Geordies fought each other. As did the Border clans once before

 Brassneck, a strip which run in the 1980s, featured an episode in which Highlanders fought with redcoats. The School swot, of course was the leader of the red coats.

Perhaps all things must pass away, its still sad. A little peace of my childhood fades away.

``All our yesterdays '' to quote another a Scot


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