Caprica redux

Being a long time, Battlestar Galatica fan. I have finally got round to watching Caprica

The pilot was very good. However what drew my attention was the scene in the V club. A virtual reality night club. The club is underground, and anything goes. There was a scene where a girl, was supposed to lose her maidenhood. ( Sorry for the flowery language I just don't want to much spam or weirdness) to an avatar of an underworld God. I wondered how mainstream this was on present day Caprica.

Caprica drew on one good idea. That the change over from polytheism, to monotheism, was a revolution. Like most revolutions violent. I don't think the writers really appreciated the difference between the two modes of thought. They had the government agent mention how one God, sitting in judgement over the rest of the universe is a dangerous idea. .

Okay so lets start with Lucy Rand. Lets make her from Gemmnon . Imagine Geminon has recently gone, monotheist. Here you can have the STO types, as part of the revolution on Geminion. . Lets make Lucy a monotheist. She gets a scholarship, to the exclusive Athena academy. There she meets Zoey.

The revolution makes Caprica nervous. I never understood, why the Capricans needed an army of robots anyway. Did the STO have a fleet? The robots make sense if you fear subversion in the army.

By showing the entry to Caprica from Geminion of Lucy. We see Caprican society from the floor up.  We get to see how weird it is. At the start of a pyramid game. Kill an ox. Have teachers union praying to Athena. Make Caprica religious. But make it strange. Caprica was not strange enough.  It should be terrifying for Lucy. It should be difficult. Have her sit at separate tables. Don't have a Kosher option. The pretty little Gemonese girl. Is weird.

Her, and Zoey do not mesh, Zoey seems to be the cool girl. The spoiled brat. Daddy's money... Then you bring in the Graystones.  Have the Father, take Lucy as an intern. Leaned on by the Government, and make Lucy a great coder. That is why Lucy is at the academy.

You can then have Zoe, fall in with the radical monotheists. Convert, a rich girl, can you say Patty Hearst? That is when, she crosses passes. With the Adamas. There mob connections, and the lawyer.

Then you can have Zoey killed, and her avatar... is brought back by Lucy.


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