Taken 2

Taken 2
I’ve not actually seen taken 2, its been a film, I have avoided seeing probably for snobbish reasons. There were bad reviews of it when it was released in the cinema. It has become a popular success.
Well, put simply the relatives of the bad guys in Taken, chases Liam Neeson and his family, through Istanbul
How old, is Maggie from lost? She is playing the daughter of Liam Neeson here. The original Taken was 4 years ago. The film ends, with the family all eating ice cream, in a diner? She is still supposed to be in university. 25? Which makes Maggie oldish in college?
We get some nice shots of Istanbul, which is good. Always nice to see a new city on film, I am quite used to seeing the same few streets of Chicago. At least we got something new.
I don’t wish to comment on contemporary politics here, but I somehow doubt, two grenades and several shootings about Istanbul would go unnoticed. By the Turkish authorities, buying the odd detective or hotel clerk, does not white wash this. The world’s press would be on it.
There is a border crossing into Turkey, from either Greece or Bulgaria, which is barely manned. Again, I don’t want to talk about politics, imagine, the same scene on the US southern border.
Anyway, it’s silly as it’s a major trade route.
I did like Neeson, talking his daughter through finding him, with a map and a marker. Using the noise of grenades, that was good.
It’s nice to see Famke Janseen again as Maggies Mom
Neeson having to explain to his college educated Daughter than Europe is on one side of the Bosporus and Asia on the other. This has been a point of dispute in Turkey of late. However in the classical Greek sense, that is correct. Means Maggie must study harder
I-phones all have GPS, so you would just have to hack them, rather than install one in them. If you were really paranoid, why not have a GPS in your tooth. The X files, did this. A decade ago
Brian’s (Neeson) can have his friend stop the Marines shooting him, having smashed inside the American embassy but cannot call them to send the Deltas, after his wife?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. It is straightforward, good old fashioned action movie. I have been over analysing it. There are car chases, and shootings, its a lot of fun.
PS why was no one sitting at the first few, seats of the cinema. Are we all sixteen years old?


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