The Walking Dead Season 3


There are Spoilers here


Don't you listen to River Song?


We saw some returns. Merl, back from the rooftop. A nice touch was Merl quoting the Gospels and mentioning how he liked woodbury's library. Then we see him later tearing apart mattresses for dope, and confessing he does not really know why he does it

We also saw the return of Lenny James. In ``Close'' This was the best episode of the series I think. With Rick having to confront his past. He had simply forgotten, Morgan(Lenny James carácter)
Rick, and by extensión the audience had moved on, and left Morgan
 behind . Meanwhile the past had caught up with Morgan. In fact Morgan would never be able to escape it
The scene when our heroes ignore a hitchiker in the episode Close, and we return to see his bloody rucksack, was chilling. A man reduced to his his teeth and nails. It would only be a matter of time..
and it was.

We lost some people T-Dog. I was sorry to see the character go, but TPTB never really did anything with the character. There seemed to be an element of tokenism, as T-Dog was replaced by an African American former prisoner, whom had the good taste to be killed on a raid on Woodbury and then by Tyreese

The problem with the season, was the Governor. David Morrisey, did a better job with the material then the writers of the comic book and perhaps the series intended. Consequently it felt that the Governor was constantly kicking the dog, or killing a priest...
PS I last saw David Morrisey in the next Doctor. So Kudos for two star turns in genre TV
The point I think is that the Governor despite his problems is still better then the outside world.
 The Dead have risen. The Governor has created order in Woodbury.  Through Milton the Governor

 is conducting research into the plague. Milton is probably right. The Walkers do have some spark of what they were before. I say what rather then who. Remember Morgan's son. Morgan's son is killed by his own mother. So we have a biter following her son scross country. Look at Woodbury. It has street lighting, it has law and order. From this the future can be rebuilt. So why doesn't the series present the Governor as the Hobbesian monarch. Rome built roads and aqueducts  but Rome watched people fight to the death.
I suppose its just the spirit of the times. All villains since 1945 are Hitler. That said I suspect the Governor using the term `terrorist'' to refer to Ricks group is a nod  to post 911 politics.
If the Governor is Hitler. Remember decent Germans voted for Hitler. The Germans supported Hitler with reservations until the end of the War. Why-well because Hitler was better then what came before, and they were scared of the alternative. In the Walking Dead Universe. The alternate option is a living hell.
Apologies for breaking Godwins law. Let us return to series
The final act of the Governor a massacre of the citizens of Woodbury. An act of nihilism, Hitler would have approved of in his final rages in the Bunker. Perhaps the Hitler/ Governor analogue despite the cliche is the correct one. The Governor, which is a close approximation of Fuehrer, felt Woodbury had failed him. He had saved it, and Woodbury would not rise to the challenge of the New Order

The woman hiding under a body, as the Governor drove off, is perhaps another nod to the New Order.

The way our favourite Governor got Milton to kill Andrea was wonderfully despicable. The fact that once we die, we turn into zombies was used very well. We have been spared the horror of this truth in the series. Shane turning at the end of season two, didn't really pack the same punch, that Daryl having to euthanize his dead brother had.

It was a brave decision to show Rick suffering from the trauma of losing his wife. Suffering mentally. Though this being TV land Rick regained his mental health all to quickly. I think TPTB did better last season with Shane's descent.

One final thought, why abandon Woodbury with its creature comforts and full larder for the Prison. Woodbury was secure after the Governor left.  Clean clothes and bed sheets would seem to be the next target for a run. Or even leave Woodbury as in tact as posible

Another PPS, I wonder if the series is going to have Tyrells group. As the people that Rick shot up in the bar.

That is gravy. I enjoyed the series, I look forward to series 4


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