Introducing John Hurt as the Doctor

Some wild guesses and thoughts.

If we presume that John Hurt is a lost regeneration. People have made the assumption that it would be a regeneration between the Eight and Ninth Doctor. Between McGann and Eccleson  It would have been interesting IF the powers that be at the BBC, had ignored McGann until now, and then written him, in as the Doctor that did not live up to the name.
I would like to see McGann given a run about.

Does anyone else remember the Cartmel Masterplan

...Omega and Rassilon were the founding fathers of Gallifrey. They towered above the Time Lords who followed. They were demigods. [Dialogue in Silver Nemesiswas] a subtle attempt to say that there was a third presence there in the shadowy days of Gallifrey's creation. In other words, the Doctor was also there. So he's more than a Time Lord. He's one of these half-glimpsed demigods.[1]

John Hurt's Doctor. Is the first. Hartnel is the person he regnerates into. Perhaps before Hartnel's Doctor.
He had mistresses, wives concubines, and that is Susan Foreman.

Hurt's Doctor was terrible. ``The cruel Tyrant'' `` The slaughterer of the ten billion''   
He worked with the Master and the Rani. He worked with the Corsair.Notice the difference between the chosen names. Master and Queen, and a pirate. Or Goth.

 He saw the light.

Or, remember the dialogue from the End of time

 the Nightmare Child, and the Could've Been King with his Army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres, The could have been King is the Doctor. The Army of Meanwhiles and Neverwheres where the forces raised by the Doctor, not to bring victory, but to bring peace. The Doctor seeing the Timelords and the Daleks, fighting each other destroying worlds and races in their chess game. The Doctor tries to lead the third force.

Him and his Grandaughter...

We will see. I am so excited though...


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