Rewatching Game of Thrones.

I have been rewatching, the first season of Game of Thrones.

I did not realize at first viewing. The First season is foreshadowed Telegraphed with the several of the opening scenes. When the Starks discover a dead Stag in the forest. One of them asks was this the work of a mountain lion. The Death of Robert Baretheon ( Whose sigil is the stag, ) with the cognizance of the Lannisters  Theon threatening Brann with the knife. Theon would become Lord of Winterfell in a coup
Ayra Stark, looking at the Hound, Joffery and Cersi in disguise as they walk into Winterfell.

The relationship between Drogo and Daenariys. Its actually clear that Drogo has strong feelings for Daeneryis. He presents her with a beautiful horse. He takes her to the sea, for their first night together. He tries to speak to her in the common tongue. No No No.

I know this must be obvious to everyone else but better late then never


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