The Name of the Doctor and Recap of Season 6 part 2

I have not had time, to write up the rest of the Doctor Who Series. 
Since I came and settled in Peru. I used to write the notes while watching the episode after work. Then download an episode on I-Player, and write it again. It would take a day and a half.

Series 6 of New Who has  been a sluggish season. I missed the Ponds. I thought Amy's big sister relationship left a shadow that left Clara shivering inside. I liked Clara. She is pretty. I never really saw what she had to do. Moffat loved writing Amy. Write what you know is always good advice. 
I loved the snippet about  Strax in Glasgow.
``I'd wish he never discovered that place''
Its nice to see River song again.  Don't overuse her please. I bow to no one in my admiration of Alex Kingston. If River Song is used again and again, to resolve a plot. Then River becomes a God. Remembering The Wedding of River Song. I thought the episode took too long to get established. Even that referenced a lot of what came before. 
Here the Name of the Doctor the producers, took a slightly different tack and showed us everything that had gone before. The Doctor stealing a Tardis. Bessie. A clip of Patrick Troughton running across a park somewhere in the USA.

Richard E Grant was good as the Great Intelligence. The problem with the Great Intelligence as I saw it was that we did not see enough of him. I know that there are questions of contracts money and an actor's time  Compare the foreshadowing of The Silence as the`` Big Bad''. We saw the Great Intelligence in the Bells of St John- we saw him in the Christmas special  too 
Why should the Great Intelligence be able to force the Doctor to cross his time stream and visit his grave- When the Daleks, and the Cybermen cannot? What is different about the Great Intelligence? What has the  Great Intelligence got that the Family of Blood hasn't. I don't know do you?
2021-edit: Yes I know the Great Intelligence is an old villain I know he is linked to Lovercraft 

The rest of the second half of the series had too many villains of the week. There has not been an element of threat in most of them. Hide. I loved the start of Hide. The bubble universe which I thought might have House trying to get back into our universe turned out to be nothing. 

Now some villains worked. I liked the chance to see the Ice Warriors again. ( Cold War) That was a good episode. It did rely on a couple of Game of Thrones stalwarts though. Yay Onion knight!  I was not so impressed by the Crimson Horror. I should have liked it more. It expanded the Silurian mythos. My problem was the Baker Street gang (- Strax, and Jenny et al)  Seem in danger of being overused. 
I am not sure I like the episodes where the Doctor is heading an ensemble. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, left me cold in places- again nice to see the Silurians, but another pointless cameo. Did you not learn from the McCoy years.  I was also underwhelmed by  Nightmare in Silver. While it was intriguing to see a cyber-man with access to the Doctor's mind. I thought the Cybermen had been too clearly Borgified. Also I hate twee names like porridge 

I did like seeing the clip from Dragonfire Nice to see some love for McCoy. We seem to spend our days between 2-3-4 . I did like hearing the Valeyard being  mentioned too for the same reason 
I can forgive the show so much for this- I am a terrible fanboy.  It will be interesting to see John Hurt as the Doctor...I want to link him, with Peter's Cushing's Doctor. Some fans are talking about the possibility, of John Hurt as the Person who fought/led the Galifreyans during the Time War, I do not think that makes sense.

Anyone notice the mirroring? The huge Dalek on Skaro, and the huge TARDIS on Trenzalore.
 The series began and ended on what  were both graveyard worlds.

Well I am looking forward to the 50th episode special. That looks like a treat. Though I would have preferred to see some more Doctors. There is the rumor that McGann will be briefly in the 50th anniversary special. If we assume the 8th Doctor, is the Time War Doctor, then that might make sense.

I just had another thought remember David Tennant's summation of the horrors of the Time War , the ``Could have been King with his  Army of Might Have beens and Mean whiles''
 The Timelords brought the Master back from the dead then maybe they managed to subvert the Doctor? Or remember the Doctor Victorious. Imagine if the the Timeline split in two, and Tennent's Doctor regenerated into someone else....

I will stop speculating and we will see.
 A strong episode.
 A jolt that the series needed. It should have come sooner.


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