
Showing posts from July, 2013

Mrs Malchera

My beautiful wife

Inca Mummy Maiden I suspect the alcohol was chica. Produced from corn. The lung infection does not surprise me, the altitude of Cusco must always be remembered. Of course Coca use rather then by product Cocaine is an old remedy to the cold and altitude. I hope it does not seem in bad taste, it is almost a teenage dream. Living fast and dying young, a mix of booze and drugs.. One of the many archaeological wonders of Peru.

Buffy Tweets

  @malchera my bad     Emma Caufield Anya from Buffy, who was talking about Stella Artois, she said was French Amber Benson, who played Tara on Buffy Mentioned she was getting a drink in New Orleans   @malchera Gin and tonic I have spoken via twitter to two of the cast of Buffy the vampire slayer. It has been on both occasions about booze. Sorry if I have posted this before. The pictures are better...

Viva la Republica

Viva le bandera Bicolour Viva del Peru Viva Peru Viva la Polica National

Bulgaria why it matters to you

Mel Smith

I am saddened to hear of the death of Mel Smith. One of the leading lights of comic relief, Alas Smith and Jones,and not the Nine o' Clock news. It is sad, to think he has been outlived by Nelson Mandela. Mel Smith 1952-2013 I did not know he was from Chiswick way

Lest we forget The North remembers... I wonder, I wonder what that means. Is Martin going to depart from the books, in season 4..


Tea-Rex, stolen from The Walking with Dinosaurs FB page...

Round up 14-7-2013

I am sad to hear of the passing of Corey Montrieth.For many years the lead in Glee There has an interesting article on Yola and Fingallian My stepson has made a full recovery and is now in rude health The end of the Zimmerman-Martin trial has happened without the feared  riots.

Alan Whicker

Alan Whicker Traveler, War correspondent, Soldier, 1925-2013

Have I had measles?

My stepson has measles and I cannot remember if I have had them? Update 13/7/2013. My stepson did not get measles. It seems to have just been an unpleasant virus. I was according to my mother vaccinated. Thus I avoided the Antonine plague

Well Done Andy Murray

The lad from Dunblane wins  Wimbledon. Well done, after his heartbreak at reaching the finals a year before


I had my first teachers day I have been married 2 weeks My stepson has a three day weekend this week Thursday was the 4th of July. A belated happy Independence day to any American readers I spent 5 sols on a Taxi this morning Today is the 6th of June. I teach basic 6 7 of July 2013 will be 8 years since the 7/7 bombings I had chifa yesterday I spent 9 sols Can you lend me 10 dollars? Enjoy your weekend..One and all