

I want you to think about a land far away
And a time long ago
You live in  a little  farm. You have sheep, and goats and pigs, and cows
You know the name of each one
You live in a small village with your cousins
Your father works on the farm
Your mother makes  dinner and makes clothes
You love telling stories, playing with a ball, and your dog
You love the summer
But the summer ends
The leaves on the trees fall
The corn in the fields grows yellow and tall
You and your mum, and your cousins cut the corn
You work very hard
And you have a big party
People tell stories
Wonderful stories; About beautiful princesses and queens with long red hair. About brave heroes who fight whole armies. About Magic, about Horses that run  over the sea.  About sweet apples and cakes and rich red meat. About a land where everyone is young forever and no one sick
Now, there is no corn in the field
Now there is no apples on the tree
The cold is coming
The night is darker and the day so short
And you see the woods.  It scares you. The woods are dark
In the night you hear noises terrible noises. The howling of wolves
Who will  keep  you safe,
Then someone tells you who will
They tell you of the Gods
The Gods are strong.
The Gods are beautiful
The Gods are magical
But they are cruel
And to keep you safe, they  ask for terrible things in return
To bring the summer again, they ask for



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