
Showing posts from May, 2014

Train outside offices in Lima

An Engine now, outside the offices of Covide in Lima


QPR are promoted after winning 1-0 against Derby

Round up

Round up Wigan were unable to capitalize on their home advantage on Friday. So tomorrow QPR have home advantage against Wigan, in the 2nd leg. My brother says Wigan do not look like a premiership team. We will see. Its Peruvian  Mothers day  today-So happy mothers day to my wife in behalf of my daughter and stepson Today is the anniversary of the battle of Fontenoy I have been having problems at work. I have been doing some training with two of my colleagues. I hope it works out. I was frightened I would lose my job, last week. I have been working much slower. Fingers crossed Finally I just realized Rory McCann plays the hound.

The Queen of May

In agus dei, Marie Rosisn Catleen Reina

Happy Birthday Robyn

Happy Birthday Robyn

Bob Hoskins Writer, father, Londoner. And in acting in super Mario brothers and Who framed Roger Rabbit. Possibly a visionary

80 days old

11 weeks and 3 days


Spoliers Spoilers Spoilers The 4th series seems to be dragging after the events of the purple wedding Firstly was Stannis not supposed to  have sailed for the North to save the Nights Watch. Instead he seems to be dragging his heels on Dragonstone I am pleased that Brienne has started her quest. Without Tyrion, its nice to see Bron stepping up. This episode will probably be remember for the hack job they did on Jamie. Jamie basically rapes Cersei next to the body of his son. In the book the twins coupling is more ambiguous. With Cersei rejecting Jamie it leaves space for Brienne and seeing Brienne tower over Cersei is wonderful The Jamie and Brienne relationship is one of my favorite in the book The TV series shouts that which could be hinted at on the page-The Tyrells killing  Joffery is spelled out At the wall, we have two new sub plots with Jon Snow. Firstly one of Lord Bolton's men, has been sent to the wall-Its the man who cut of Jamie's hand. Also in the TV

Alan Partridge Alpha Papa

I was watching clips of Alan partridge on youtube the other day.  I noticed how young Steve Coogan looked. I suppose we are all getting older. Like the last X Files movie, this is a film out of time. An Alan Partridge movie should have been released 10 years ago. The jokes about Colm Meany being Irish with a gun, are not as biting as they would have been in the 1990s. Also there is not the references to the old neighbourhood.Acton..Chiswick roundabout.. As an aside I have been watching Moone Boy. The Steve Coogan Cameo there was masterful. The problem is in part Alan. Alan partridge visibly mellowed  as he got older, which is something you would expect. As Alan mellows he becomes a more sympathetic character. Alan has accepted his lot. Making adverts for Butchers and pursuing a woman at work. A mother of two teenage boys, and quite ordinary in appearance. Alan seems  genuinely charmed by her wits. Contrast this with the Alan from KMKYWAP At once points Alan shouts he is 55. He s