Days future past

I watched this week. I have had it knocking about on various Hard disk drives and such for a while
I read the comic. Like the Borg, would do later. The sentinels actually frightened me. I preferred the Asgardian wars, longer and with pretty girls fighting in swimsuits.

Its an interesting cast. There are the the rising stars. Jennifer Lawrence, and Michael Fassbergers, the Stage lions, Patrick Stewart and Sir Iain Mckellan, Some Has beens, Famke Janssen and Halle Berry, Scott Brolin. Two might have beens Ellen Page and Booby Darin. Oh and cameos from TV stars Frasier and Sookie. I could even count Nicolas Hoult and James Mcavoy as Brit TV stars made big
Then there is Peter Dinklage stealing every scene as Bolivar Trask and this is my problem with the film. I found Trask a bit too sympathetic. I thought the Sentinels were cool. I found the X-men less sympathetic as I get older. There  is supposed to be a Mengale analogy. Trask has been experimenting on Mutants. Well yes. That is wrong. Equally Trask idea of humanity uniting behind the war against the mutants is interesting. Also the fact is we know the Mutants are not a threat-Why because with out technology we can simply out build them...

I like Jennifer Lawrence but equally I cannot sympathize with her plight. No I would prefer Mystique to be bad. Also when Mystique goes into Saigon to free the Mutant Draftees no one reacts to the fact Mystique /Raven is naked?

Evan Peters did a great Johnny Depp impression as Quicksilver one of my favourite set pieces in the movie was the jailbreak

Nice touches of the past. Beast, talking about all three networks. Disco in French. A lot of action is set in Montreal pretending to be Paris

Oh and Kennedy was a mutant...Actually its interesting to see Nixon, on screen again. The Man is getting a lot more screen time these days. Day of the Moon-Mad men-and now days future past

It was enjoyable. I knew the ending having read the comic. I must remember the X-men are a teenage -minority outsider-metaphor now I am married and a parent. So perhaps the idea of passing on my genes and seeing them survive simply strikes home. Kudos to Jennifer Lawrence for the blue paint job, and to Fassbender for holding up his accent. I liked the fact Montreal stood in for Paris, rather then Toronto for NYC. I was disappointed though that we did not see more of the black future. I would have liked to see the explained. The Sentinels were preparing to start a world war, in the comics, in the film. Moscow and China are in their power. I was fascinated by this in the comic. I remember the horse draw buses and I would have liked to have seen more

Still a solid 7


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