
Showing posts from July, 2015

Dad Daughter and Dinosaurs

At plaza norte last night. The picture behind me, is a raptor

Another Game of Thrones theory

The received wisdom is that the reason why the Starks, are the losers in the `` Game of Thrones'' Is Eddard tries to keep to the old ways. Eddard Stark does not make a deal, with the Lannister's and instead supports the claim of Stannis to the Iron throne. Leading to a civil war. I am not convinced. 1) Robert Baratheon knew his stepson was a monster. Had Eddard made his peace and kept his peace. There could have been war over Sansa Stark anyway. One presumes Eddard would have reacted to her cruel treatment. Secondly the Lannister's would have known that Eddard knew. Would Cersei have felt secure knowing that someone else could leak word about the parentage of his children 2) It forgets Renly and Stannis knew. So the Baratheon's would have risen in rebellion anyway. If Highgarden comes along  too, we still have a civil war. Only in this case the war, might be worsened by more blood magic. 3) Suppose the Starks sit out the storm. The Bolton's would still

My daughter

Smiling at something on netflix