Mad Max, fury road.

I wanted to like this film. Its okay, I should have liked it more though
I really like Charlize Theron. Its nice to see her here. She does a good job. The problem is  that it is supposed to be a Mad Max film. She pushes Max out of the spotlight. My other quarrel with this movie is that in the Road warrior and Beyond Thunderdome, Miller used Children as  viewpoint characters. Giving us a sense of the world changing. Max being the last survivor of the broken world. As the ``new normal'' takes over. Ie the Children in the Oasis, who do not understand what a rifle is, or the kids playing with the record player half remembering and half associating it with the emergency radio. There are flashes of that here. The girl praying and mixing Christian and New age Buddist gestures.
 It also felt implausible. Barter town, needed no explanation. We see people trading. Here someone is harvesting mothers milk? Why-using people as living blood banks. I understand.
I  half recognized Nicolas Hout, as Nux, which meant I was thinking where do I recognize him from? all through the film
Charlize Theron's accent grated.
Why Tom  Hardy instead of Eric Bana. Surely this the role Eric Bana. Lanking big Aussie should be playing. Or Sam Worthington. Strong silent hard as nails Aussie
I like Tom Hardy, but why ?
 It was okay


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