The Inbetweeners

I spotted the movie on Netflix. Alas residing in Peru, I cannot re-watch the series which I really enjoyed. The series depicted life in the middle of the Teenage food chain pretty well. In fact the series strength, is this. The 4 protagonists are simply too young to enjoy their lives. Simon is too inexperienced with women, to stop allowing Carli, to lead him around by his manhood. Will has the confidence and intelligence -a product of his public school education but simply cannot finesse things . Jay lacks confidence fall stop and resorts to lying. He scored with an entire Netball team Finally the fourth man-Neil is the most confident of the quartet. Noticeably the tallest and broadest Neil is in an actual relationship, an actual physical relationship.

Gilbert, the deputy headmaster returns and gives a wonderful valedictorian message to his charges-Piss off.

Oh  and in a bit of cute casting Tony Head plays Will's father. Will's father whom we never saw in the series. (Pappa Will ran off an intern-leading to Will being reduced in station and forced to attend a suburban secondary) Tony Head disparages his Bird, criticizing his gaucheness Tony Head is Carli's father

Its a simple extension of the TV program. The 4 lads go on holiday to Crete. I do think there was a mistake in the final series. I would have had Jay lose his virginity, and lose his virginity in style in  the college visit episode. Interestingly Jay seems to be a bit more settled he is not bragging about his sexual prowess.

I am oft compared to Will. (Simon Bird) I actually understood the line about committing atrocities in Anatolia.

The film visits a place I avoided-The Med. We hear loud drunken Northerners singing about Football.(Interestingly Will is astute enough to fake an interest in football) Another Teenager who seems to have overstayed, and run out of money and sanity. He reminded me of the Gringos you meet in Peru. Oh and an interesting cameo character-A solider, back from Afghanistan, stuck in the same shit hotel as the boys, watching his marriage slip away

I thought Jay was supposed to be a West Ham fan, he is seen wearing Man Utd shorts at the pool

There is the usually nudity and comedy of disgust. Neil bags a middle aged lover, and the boys have to listen to her squeal, and squawk. We do briefly get some cheesecake as opposed to beef biscuits.

The antagonists are Carli and  her Rep lover-James.. Well really its not Carli. She appears just now and then.Its Simon's obsession that is the White whale. . I expected a bit more of a physical confrontation between the Rep and the boys. I wondered if that is what the soldier was being set up for.

The girls all speak RP. Which is interesting the girls are perhaps a bit to RP for Crete.

I enjoyed it. I think  it could have been developed more. Well I can always catch the sequel


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