Jurassic World

A text book example, of a summer blockbuster/popcorn movie. If Lincoln was Spielberg producing a good old fashioned movie. This is a good old fashioned event movie. He took a franchise which is 20 years old. Closer too 25, and he reinvigorated it. The homages to the original work.

There is no need to retell us the back story. We know it. The director and the producer and the actors know we know. We get it. They managed to build a theme park, and the world came to watch

The story is told from several perspectives. Two brothers who are packed off as their parents divorce. Into the care of an Aunt, an Aunt who is the Operations Officer at Jurassic world. I actually feel sorry for Dallas Byrce Howard, who plays the Aunt. He sister in law is going through a divorce and dumps her kids on her, and then rings up and complains.
Chris Pratt plays a raptor  wrangler.

Everyone gives a solid performance. There is no need for Shakespeare here.

We meet again Henry Wu, one of the survivors from the original movie.

The CEO-playing the Richard Attenborough role, is Bollywood's own Irrfan Khan. (Surely overlooked for playing Khan in Star trek into the Darkness, but I digress) Masrani is an interesting character he plays a much more robust character. Then the normal money man in these films. He is depicted as a hero, and even has a heroic death

Even  the jokes go down well.

I was worried the T-rex would die!

I loved seeing Ankylosauruses


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