
Showing posts from March, 2016


T oday the hundredth anniversary of the Easter rising is being celebrated in Dublin  It is  not the actual historical anniversary, that will be in April the twenty fourth, 1.15 pm . The anniversary is commemorated as a movable feast on the Easter Sunday of each year rather than the historical date  Also its the premiere of Game of Thrones season 6. So I presume no one wants to miss that. It is notable that during the Troubles commemoration of the Rising became very low key Scott  asked  what if Collins, could return to the Easter rising? How would it be different.  I thought about this. I have put my thoughts down here This will be an ASB but I will try to keep things as grounded as possible. Collins will wake up in NYC in 1905, with his memories a full Rolodex or of names and addresses. IRB, Clan na Gael, a few Irish American politicians and gangsters, prominent members of the Irish diaspora across the sea. Newspaper editors Printers union shop stewards.  There will be a

School days

My daughter has started Kindergarten