Agent Carter

I did see the Captain America movie. I think I watched it in passing on a plane. I  remembered the villains rather then the heroes. I have been trying to watch Daredevil on Netflix. I am not really getting into it. As Jessica Jones is perhaps a bit too adult for my house hold, I decided to give Agent Carter a try

Actually its quite good. Alias meets Madmen.

One the dialogue. I must congratulate Ms Haley, anyone who can advise someone to ``go tell it to the marines''  and sell it, is a fine actress. This is what I like about the series, the past is clearly  shown as a foreign country. People may watch movies, eat in cafes and drive cars to work. Actresses are still working as waitresses looking for that break.  Its a different world. Our heroine resides at a women's only hotel, A minor plot point shows a young lady being evicted from her digs, because she was caught with a man after hours,

The shroud of Captain America, lies heavy on the show. We meet up with Captain America's unit. The Howling commando's. The Mcguffin, in one episode  is revealed to be a phial of Steve Rodgers blood. Peggy is morning her lost love, Though it does not detract from the story. I have not seen the winter soldier and did not play close attention  to the movie

The period touches are nice. Though the G-men are perhaps a little too integrated Carters boss, Dooley is a mick out of the old OSS. The wounded agent Sousa is a greaser. There is a  Bohunk -Polack who never gets his name pronounced correctly, and the great white hope of the agency is a WASP. Across the chessboard there are the Reds, infiltrating the agency with psychology and sleeper agents. A British Butler who listens to Jack Benny. Its a different world!

Its good, it will like the best sf make people curious


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