Batman V Superman

It is not a bad film, its not great. Like it's predecessor, Man of Steel, I should have liked Batman and Superman, Dawn of Justice a lot more. The problems I argue are these

The film tries to do too much. We have Batman fight Superman, and then Superman, Batman and Wonder woman fight Doomsday. Doomsday who killed Superman. The last half hour seems tacked on. DC want to compete with the Avengers.

Superman, is an Alien who may set  himself up as a God. Yet Diana who was a Goddess gets a pass. Diana who felt free to intervene in human history in WW1

Afleck is not bad. Though he looks odd, dressed as Batman

Jeremy Irons is a professional

The film takes shots at the declining power of the printed press. A cynical liberal editor bemoaning the death of the Kennedy's and King. The film does not treat Authors silicon valley Billionaire as the same way. The candy, the t shirts, the shoes are all affectations boys

Surely Luthor and Batman/Wayne are the same character, just with different scruples here?

Like  Days future past, I felt myself agreeing with the antagonist


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