El ultimo Panzer

Another Lima, Another 1990s

The American was early.  That was not good. 
Cadet Verde Steiner announced the man, from the Man.  Taking a moment or two after hearing her voice and looking up from the papers he was feigning filling in. They were in fact a list of nonsensical names. But everyone needs their pretense. Like the Girl from Callao, in her silk dress on Sunday and starving on rice all week
The man behind the desk looked at Steiner for a moment. The funny thing is he was sure he still made her nervous. She was only 22, Steiner had been drafted as the PA. She could speak some English, and she was too gringa  and too pretty too be left alone. Men would have ganged up..
They had shot a few people for that already
 Poor Steiner  In another universe she would have been studying her Abi in Wittlesetein But some fool ancestor had moved to Peru, and some fool had told her the Peruvian National Police was a good job
It should have been. She should have been smiling at handsome Yanks outside the presidential palace or babysitting some celebrity galivanting about  Macchu Picchu Or looking stern as some rich kid was stopped with pot outside Pacifico, Instead, she was taking a piss into a chamberpot  while carrying a loaded pistol  Instead she was sleeping on US Navy blankets  a concrete floor,  in the Military college of the Republic of Peru.  A college that would see more cadets The  Army it had trained broken. The Shining path almost led to the Sea
Lima was never kind.  Millions of people huddled on the slopes of a  dead volcano, dripping dew into a ditch by the sea.  Now the city of the Kings had fallen again. Something unspeakable was about to happen again as was done by Pizzaro and to the Chileans. No more lights on the hills. There was no electricity after the revolution. There were fires burning bright. Red flags, on the Westin  Hotel and San Cristobal hill
Just him, as far he could tell. The Military cadets, the Police cadets,  a handful of Watchimen and some volunteers. There barricades and the Prayers, dry rice, and the smell of shit.
The boys had paired off. But the Gringa started fights. Everyone wanted to fuck the Gringa. Hands grabbed her. Everyone’s girlfriends and wives hated her for that. The rumor had got round that He was fucking her. He was not. Oh, she was pretty enough. But where would he have the time. Besides, he was married He had a
NO. HE COULD NOT LET himself think about that. It would be better to have the German girl on the desk right now. It would be less stupid... His training mattered, the now mattered. His past did not. He did not wear a wedding band. He had removed the photos. He would not torture himself with hope or worse with speculation 
The sentence from Washington was delivered by a senior Marine NCO. He did not salute. No one was supposed to know who he was. Why he was there. He would slip away and return. Brown skin, a T shirt, and Jeans, there were a million faces like his across a Lima. 10 Million  Well that was before the war came
Besides a  Uniform would have been cruel. A uniform would have meant hope
``We have evacuated our Embassy and those of friendly powers.  The USS Dolphin will depart tomorrow’’.
``Can you supply us with ammunition, guns?’’
``We can give you blankets and food’’
It was 33 degrees outside. 24 degrees at night. No one was going to die of exposure. They kept being given blankets. Not bullets, or bayonets. People were being killed by snipers and the only thing he could do was cover the corpses and douse them in cheap perfume  The building stank. It was full of people. Full of sickness, there were babies crying in the hallway. The occasional fight had become frequent. Little girls skipping, boys kicking balls Now and then a sound of something ungodly and screaming followed by sobs. The smell of smoke filled the air. Then the insistence of gunshots, and in the distance on PA systems, the same words Revolution Revolution…Guzman Revolution
``Okay. A moment, please..
Cadet Verde Steiner bring our guest in please   The Oxcampa German opened a side door. She stood ramrod straight and saluted.
The Man behind the desk stood up.
``Sgt Let me introduce Her excellency. Zuzanna De Diaz. As the only member of Congress still in Lima. She is the President of the congress of the Rrepublic. She is thus president of the republic
A woman teetering on the cliff of middle age walked into the room.  Her hair skank blonde and her chest deflating. The poor tailoring of the borrowed clothes did not help. The expensive perfume did not conceal the smell of sweat.
She did have manners.
Sgt, she began.`` I am a congresswoman. I am in Lima. I formally declare myself head of the provisional government of the Republic of Peru. I ask for US assistance to avert a humanitarian disaster. I ask your Government to intervene.  ‘’
The Marine nodded, He replied in good Spanish. Parents were Colombian. He thanked her, and informed her that he would pass on a message to his superiors. He told her, that due to the nature of his mission he had been ordered not to salute or wear a uniform.
``In the name of God please help us  ‘’
``I have to contact my ship. It is easier if I do it outside- He mentioned something about the radio frequencies .
``Thank you Ma’am’’
The Marine walked outside. The commandant’s office was next to a gate guard, the yankee called it.
A couple of cadets got to their feet.  He nodded them away  There were some civilians sleeping there. An old man and his daughter, the daughter had once been a little fat. You could tell by the way her clothes hung on him. The man babbled in some language from time to time. He would stare at the tank. They were harmless enough. The man had a tattoo on his elbow ..O That his daughter would cover up. Something she did not want others to see. Maybe she was a Mormon or something
The gate guard was an old panzer. The American played with his electronics. He typed a message to his ship. The reply required waiting a few minutes. He handed out some smokes to the boys on guard. He asked to see one lad’s rifle and quietly fixed something with the sights. The man was a professional. As decent as he could be. Not his fault his government were ….
At least he had a government. There were currently two government in exile in Miami, and a third special ambassador in DC who had been caught with 20 kilos of cocaine and  ….
The entire might of the American military on Peruvian soil returned into the office
``Sir, Maam I have some news. My CO has forwarded your request to Washington. Please it is now out of my hands. I will not this in my report. I serve, I do not command.
Sir, We have agreed to send you some fuel , with blankets and food.’’
``If you can find any transport. Take it.
Please be careful with the Gasoline’’
It was the best the man can do. He had thought and worked hard to something. Molotov cocktails There were some boats in the PNP barracks at Chorillos. Inflatables, with outboard motors.
``We will turn and leave tomorrow.
But we are  the Captain ordered me to mention We are sailors. We will rescue those in distress at sea’’
``I will be back with some supplies in two hours’’
So he waited. He broke up a fight. He made sure the cadets had something to eat. He applauded a goal. He accepted a bible, and a set of rosary beads. He let Steiner fall asleep for 20 minutes.
A voice asked him.`` Do you think the Americans will help us?’’
He had forgotten the Congresista. She was still there, in his office. She had been a joke and a whore. But when they found her walking towards their barracks, she was carrying a sick indio child. She had done some good
The real whores were in Miami. Calling themselves the Government in Exile
He stood up. ``I hope so Senora President and saluted’’
She nodded
He went back to burning papers. Years of registers to be destroyed
The American was back. A few of his shipmates had brought a few drums of fuel. Some rice, and MRE and the blankets. He nodded at the Congressista
One last thing sir.
If you do not know. Arequipa is under Chilean protection. Ecuador has mobilised. We think they may have crossed the border. Brasil has closed it’s borders.
The American took out a map of Lima. A piece of tourist tat. It something that could be denied, and forgotten. The Americano’s had drawn lines in red pen,
So as you know the terrorists have taken the Presidential palace, and the Cathedral. We had surveillance up there. Doesn’t matter how. The buildings to the left here, what are they
That’s a red light district
There was so much horror. It got boring after a while. Both men knew what happening After the Revolution there would be no money
``There are still AF and Navy units holding out in Callao. Airbase is still working. We wanted to know about this place here
Lima Norte
Yes. There seems to be fighting about this building. We are not sure who. It’s not military but there is someone going on here.
``I don’t know it.’’ He passed the map the lady..
She squinted hard. Is this Calle Iupiter
There is a school for handicapped children there…
Right.  Well whatever else is happening –Someone here is fighting and fighting hard.
The old man stood up, his daughter caught his arm
``There is something you don’t know. The terrorists are massing there behind those apartments. Your spotters cannot see them. They have been doing this for a while. We think they are going to move on you tomorrow’’
``You understand’’
He nodded
``The blonde girl. Take her with you. Now.
The Marine thought for a moment.
S``he is 22. We can’t even have a white man  here for the love of god’’
The Old man, walked towards the fuel. Grey and old, he picked up a fuel can. He twisted off the cap. He turned the cap off, and walked towards the panzer. He had stopped to hobble. He smoothly poured in the fuel. Lifted a hatch, and clambered in
The engine spluttered into life
The Tank began to move. It was a weapon again
The Driver looked at the Marine and the Soldier, and asked one question. The Reds are to the North
He headed out towards the fighting, The Cadets, ran after him,… Someone picked up a flag..
The last Panzer lead against the Reds…


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