Fugitive of the Judoon thoughts

So this is episode is a feint and a bob, and then a sucker punch... I was not looking forward to it. 
There was a lot of fuss about the Judoon. Who seem to be strangely popular in ``New Who''. 
I know there was a Terrance Dicks book about the Judoon . I am not  against, or opposed, or hostile to the Judoon, but I did not understand the fuss- I would not be dancing in the street if we saw Monarch again

So we have two stories here. We have the Companions meeting Captain Jack Harkness. Jack from Torchwood. Jack is in the middle of a battle in space and using a time scoop to shanghai Graham and then the other two companions. (Ryan and Jasmin)

Jack does try and deliver a warning to the Doctor- 
" Beware of the lone Cyberman! Do not give it what it wants!''

Captain Jack  also mentions the Alliance sent something back through the past... Could that be ...(1)

We also have a backdoor or a Doctor introduction. For the Ruth Dr. Like most Regeneration episode, the Doctor faces a slightly weaker protagonist. The Judoon In fact, this can be seen as a sequel to Robot. Instead of the UNIT family. We have the actual Doctor introducing the Doctor

So to begin

Do your worst...

I was not quite a tour guide. I have done similar work and quite enjoyed it So apart from the do your worst bit. I quite liked the introduction to Ruth. It is her birthday. She is trying to be happy. Greeting the dog, smiling at people trying to drum up business. It could almost be a sitcom. A comedy-drama to be broadcast a bit later on Sunday nights. Set somewhere in Northern England 
There is a great scene where Ruth goes into a cafe to get her morning coffee. She tells the guy behind the counter who fancies her, that if he chooses a nickname it's not a nickname.

It's a sitcom... As the viewer knew the Judoon were going to be in the episode from the promo's it sets the tone for a happy go lucky, runabout episode.

This is in contrast with our heroes The Doctor! Jodie's Doctor is not in a good place.  
She has been going back to the ruins of the Gallifrey. Have they ever shown the Doctor do this? Go to see the ruins of Dalek destroyed Earth. See the dead from the Martian colony- wallow in guilt 
In fact the Dr has been leaving her trio by themselves while she goes back to Galifrey to sift through the ruins. Is this safe?

There has been a change of mood in the TARDIS this season. I think it was something that supposed to be there in Orphan 55 but did not come across well. The companions are beginning to distrust the Doctor. The Master put the seed of doubt in their mind. The Doctor  is not telling the Companions everything. To go back to Orphan 55 The Doctor did not say  immediately that she had seen Russian letters  
 Yasmin tells, the Doctor not to talk to Ryan like that.
 Ryan is dismissive of Jack- Jack takes it in his stride. I think there is something brewing

So I assume you have seen the episode




So Ruth Clayton, was the Doctor. The Lighthouse was her chameleon arch

I notice the tailored suit and the bright orange blouse. Ruth  is not a hobo Doctor, like the second. 
She is certainly a  physically robust Doctor like Pertwee.. She is introduced attacking several Judoon and ritually disarming /dishonoring one  The eye glasses are a touch of Hartnell, Davison, and Smith. 
I think there is a bit of David Tennant in their two. Still no love for old Sixie?

There is a confrontation later on a Judoon space ship. Aboard the ship we meet another Timelord called Gat.

Gat mentions Ruth has having been one of the best operatives.  Ruth had referred earlier to a job that she had tried to leave. This makes me think that Ruth was a 6 B Dr. A regeneration between 2 and 3 that had been wiped from the Doctor's memory. But then why does she not recognize the sonic?
and why is the TARDIS shaped like a police box. ?

On the other hand, there is the possibility that the chameleon circuit was broken before the Doctor arrived at the scrapyard Dialogue in the name of the Doctor

Also if Ruth is the Dr. So who is Lee? Is Lee the Master/Susan? Their relationship is close

``I'd quite like if you got out of my ship now... I wondered if Ruth had or will  develop a grudge against Jodie.
This has not been done before.  The Doctors argue but has one ever held a grudge? Has one resented his past or future- Oh with the War Doctor sure

It's been a while since I have been arguing a point about Doctor Who here. We done Mr. Chibnall


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