The Romans, Doctor Who

I really enjoyed this one. It would have been perfect for my A-level classical civilization class
When the BBC do History, as Andrew Cartmel observed they do it really well. This even  looks alright, despite the budget and tech limitations  I was impressed by the scope of the episode. Ian ends up on a galley, we visit an Italian villa, and finally in Nero's court
The imperial court even technically has an Arena ( We see Ian fight a gladiatorial contest for Nero)
This was the first Hartnel Story I encountered. I hated the novelization. It was written in epistolary form.... A selection of jottings from Nero's notebook.... A letter which Ian tried to write to a friend. ...The Doctor's personal diaries. Oh and best of all, the memoirs of Locusta. ``A poisoner remembers...''
Locusta is an actual person who served Nero.

Oh Locusta is a Gaul. I did not know that

Compared to recent visits to the Roman world. The Romans shows I think more of the dark side of the empire. We see slavery, something that seems to be absent from both the Eaters of light and the fires of |Pompeii. Indeed Barbara is abducted to be sold into sex slavery. Barbara is sold out for a few coins, to slave traders In part because She and the TARDIS crew are selling vegetables at below market prices in the local forum.

Do we see slavery in Fires? Or in Eaters of the light  I note that in Eaters we are supposed to be amused and delighted by the Roman army having progressive views towards homosexuality. Tell that to Batavi.

As I said I liked this. There is a lot of action. The Doctor relishing fisticuffs He chides Vicki for intervening in a fight between him and a gladius wielding foot-pad

Vicki also makes Barbara feel really old! We learn young  Vicki studied medicine in high school. One passes medicine before one graduates.

Well Barbara despite Vicki's teasing  you have aged like French wine.

Finally we reach the court of Nero. We run into ill starred Poppaea Poppaea does not roll her eyebrows at Barbara like Vicki Poppaea cuts her eyes. Her character  worries that Nero will leave her for her. Nero, is looking for wine and song. The Doctor poses as a Greek musician ..and dodging daggers and diotoxins and directly giving Nero the idea for the great fire of Rome. So presumably starting the persecution of the Christians... The year of the 4 emperors etc

So the Doctor and co, actually make History

This episode is a lot of fun. It's also interesting -Ian helps himself to a souvenir and chases Barbs round the room. We have a long way to go to get to the man who never would.. This is a Doctor and a TARDIS crew, having a romp in the past and breaking the rules as they go...


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