St Brigit's day

 Its cold. I was up too late last night drinking. I have been unwell, I get test results next week

My parents have both been vaccinated against Covid 19. That said, the Health authorities  have detected the South African strain in the neighbourhood and my sister will get tested

My daughter has enjoyed a vacation in Lima province. She visited several offshore Islands, and Chilca 

I have been watching a lot of Cheers I really enjoy it. It is a lot more innocent time, Cheers is visited by people across the Partisan divide. The Chiefs of staff. They have just had a gay story line. Interestingly the gay bar is called Vito's - Almost a soprano's reference 

 I have enjoyed a mostly dry January. 

I have reached the Tom Baker era of Dr Who, I really enjoyed Planet of the Spiders 

My life is work, and then evenings by my beside. The pubs, and indeed the churches are still closed. 

No barbers, no holidays. Lima went into quarantine this week . We can just keep out fingers crossed and wait for summer


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