
Showing posts from June, 2021

I have seen every episode of classic Dr Who

 It's been a long road. I began this journey having seen He Who Moans review of the pilot - An Unearthly Child. I was still living in my martial home.  I was watching episodes often on a cheap Chinese phone My daughter managed to lock herself in her bedroom midway through my viewing.  I lived on the other side of the planet. I watched Dr Who, on a little screen - I watched the WarGames one afternoon in Lima, in my hotel. ( When I was living in a hotel ala Alan Partirdge)  Since then, returned home. Watching at Work,  Some thoughts The pacifist Dr and the Asexual Dr come from a specific place. JNT onwards A Woman Dr is foreshadowed and frankly, they should have done it in the 1980s  Adric might have worked. I can just about see what they were trying to do...Have a critical  mercurial character in the TARDIS - Basically Turlough I really like Jon Pertwee, Did not expect too.. but there you go There is more backstory about the Timelords, as Tom's stuff goes on - He's the Cosmi

Tom Baker Stories

 Underworld. I liked this one. I don't know why it has such a bad reputation with fans. I liked Alan Lake's performance in particular. I think he had the aggression of a Greek heroic age figure. Even the design of the weapons was interesting - I thought they could do more with the Timelords being more mercurial figures Nightmare of Eden, It is an interesting idea for the Antagonist  to sell drugs to continue his work. He begs the Doctor to understand him-One scientist to another  State of Decay. This is the best of the E-Space Trilogy. It feels and looks great - Gothic Horror in Space. Its nice to see Adric open to becoming a vampire, he would not understand the lore. So why not try and live for ever. I don't want to flog the aeons dead horse that is Adric. I think the mercurial moments  shows what could have been done with the character. Having someone who is just not Human to play off the Dr and the Companion. It worked with Nardol and the 12th Doctor   The World of the H