Doctor Who Flux

(A parson's egg)


Doctor Who- Flux looks beautiful. The special effects rival Hollywood. The BBC have closed the gap with the USA  the days of painted hairdryers are a long way away 

So what did I like about Flux, Well I liked John Bishop. I liked the proudly Scouse setting- The Mad Mole. Anfield- and the Klopp era referenced  John Bishop threatening to call ``the busies'' 

The Crimean War episode was beautifully realized. You did get a feel of the size of the conflict As well as the dirt and squalor the soldiers fought in.  I was pleased to see Mary Seacole on screen 

The supporting cast were generally pretty good. Nice to see Neill from the inbetweeners  The girl from Northern Ireland- made herself very welcome very quickly. I got the sense of a younger talented Dave Lister from Vider. 

It was nice to see Kate Stewart  again. 

Jodie seemed more relaxed as the Doctor. She seemed to have more energy too. I also liked the evil Jodie, we see at the end. It was nice they give Jodie some meat 

The Bad

There is a lot of storylines being mixed and matched. 

I did not like the look of the villains

But as for the plot? Something about the Division who now seem to be almost all powerful? The planet called Time. Chris Chibnall seems to have learned the wrong lesson from years of Doctor Who. 

Gallifrey and the Time Lords get duller and duller. . Killing the Timelords off for the Division makes no sense . You end up with a more complicated backstory messing with the plot and for what? 

I think the weeping Angels have been overused,

The Triple Doctor, was a good idea. I think there was just too much going on. 

We had another universe ending phenomenon (Which I never understood) There seems to have been hints of something else 

We see the Sontarans, Daleks, and Cybermen collaborating-Ala season 5- The 

The chocolate/sugar fix of Sontarans was silly

Oh another Prophecy WOW


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