Munich -The Edge of War


It is a nice period piece, and probably the most sympathetic depiction of Neville Chamberlain I have seen in my lifetime.  The parties and pubs look very inviting, everyone dressed up. No screaming speakers, Chamberlain breakfasts on boiled eggs, butter and toast. 

Chamberlain is shown as experienced politician but a warm hearted decent man . Chamberlain notes Adolf's relationship with Mussolini and plans to use that. Chamberlain speaks French to Daladier He befriends the lead character. Who is treated warmly by Great and the Good

There are some anachronisms. There seems to be a black aide in Downing Street- I wonder if this is historically accurate. There is also a presumably Anglo Indian, or Eurasian secretary. The Nazi's are constantly referred to as racist, and not racialist. I am old enough to remember people using racialist instead of racism The swearing has been noted by others.

The lead character's marriage seems to be out of time too. It feels like someone has written a divorced father and tries to fit it in 

Beyond that  Munich the Edge of War is thriller. 

Two college friends reunite to smuggle a message out of Nazi Germany Which could stop Hitler. A lot of the story is told in flash back. There is a more than a bit of Cabaret in this 

I think though it is rather more historically accurate then other films. The Gestapo SS are not hanging people on the telegraph poles yet. People remember the terror at the end of the war, not the  restraint shown at the beginning of the 1000 year Reich. So out heroes, get a kicking rather than a shooting. Himmler, is shown being greeted by Hitler, and than being dismissed rather then informed about the outcome of his meeting with Chamberlain

The film's meeting between the German resistance agent and Chamberlain, goes as you would expect it to. The German lectures Chamberlain despite being told not too, 

Herman Goering is mentioned as being seen tin a butcher shop after a meatless meal with Adolf

My problem with this film is a moral one. The German agent, becomes an Anti Nazi, after his Jewish Girlfriend is picked up in 35 and thrown into a KZL She is left as a vegetable and he can see the horror

All well and good and probably relatable 

But could we not see someone just turn on the Nazi's because they are wrong, not because they target the person he loves or himself

Anyway, a decent film. Jeremy Irons is always worth watching. 


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