Brief Coup in Peru, None hurt


Yesterday as I was walking home from work. I was passing through the park  And I checked Twitter- to see an announcement. 

Pedro Castillo- The president of Peru- facing impeachment dissolved Congress on television and announced there would be new election and a new constitution 

President Castillo an ex Rondero -The large hat was one of his trade mark. From Up country in Peru- Castillo beat the perennial bridesmaid of Peruvian politics Keiko Fujimori. Castillo had been effectively in office but not effective in office since 2021

Well there comes a time in every Peruvian president must face the wrath of congress or the annoyance of the voters or simply gets bored

Castillo decided to go out with a bang. Except it was the bang of a burst withered balloon or it was the bang of a car backfiring 

As I have mentioned - Despite his dissolution of Congress .Congress stayed dry. Congress refused to recognize the President and called for arrest 

His various ministers resigned in protest. The armed forces of Peru stayed loyal. The traffic of lima came to a standstill

He was arrested on Espania avenue trying to get to the Mexican embassy. In the end the Lima traffic caught him


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