Russian Predictions

So Medvedev former PM of Russia and sometime President. Maid some bold predictions about 2023


UK to rejoin the EU

Euro to collapse as a currency

Californian secession from the US

Poland and Hungary occupy the Western Ukraine

The 4th Reich proclaimed

Also Elon Musk as a second Grant

I think the Russian could have had some fun here. If Medvedev had gotten hold of some hackers, and some kompromat on low level people in the West. Then he could have interlaced this with his predictions/  Publish the predictions of war, and ruin  aas well  random secrets about say Johnathon Thierson of Lemmings Ohio- Who is having an affair with his Sister in Law. Spoil the end of Young Sheldon. Reveal the secret illness of Prince Edward*

* This is just me spitballing. I wish no harm to anyone 


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