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 It's difficult to say exactly how the history of Argentina would have been different if it had been colonized by Irish immigrants fleeing Queen Elizabeth I. However, we can make some educated guesses about how this scenario might have played out.

First, it's important to note that Ireland was itself colonized by the British at the time of Elizabeth I, and the Irish were subjected to a great deal of oppression and discrimination. As a result, it's possible that Irish colonizers would have had a different approach to colonization than the Spanish did in Argentina.

If Irish settlers had come to Argentina, they would have encountered indigenous peoples who had already been living there for thousands of years. It's possible that the Irish would have been more sympathetic to the indigenous people's plight, given their own experience of oppression under British rule. They may have attempted to establish better relations with the indigenous people and respect their rights to land and resources.

On the other hand, the Irish were also Catholic, and their arrival in Argentina may have sparked conflict with the Spanish, who were predominantly Catholic as well. The Spanish were also heavily involved in the slave trade, and it's possible that the Irish would have opposed this practice more vehemently than the Spanish did.

Ultimately, the arrival of Irish colonizers in Argentina would have had a profound impact on the region's history, but it's impossible to say exactly how things would have played out. The course of history is influenced by a wide range of factors, and small changes can have significant ripple effects that are difficult to predict.


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