
Showing posts from November, 2006

The Lost Kelts

The Lost Kelts! Something that came up on one my lists. ( I use Gaul's and Celts interchangeably I understand this is out of favor  ASB= Alien space bats Kesair- Is Cesar remembered in Irish myth)  The Veneti were the best ship builders- Caesar notes their iron chains and large draught vessels Therefore we have a Veneti decide to sail off to the White Island, or the Island. ( Great Britain and Ireland respectively) instead of facing Caesar. Indeed this what the Helveti  were going to do. Just by land rather than by sea.   Now it could just be possible, for our Gaul's to a rag tag fleet, and get across the Atlantic anyway. (However as its ASB's we will say Abracadabra, and the fugitive fleet  end up an hour away from Nova Scotia or Halifax  Amusingly there is no reason now, why they could not end up on the Miss, or on the James river.  We will however will stick with the Northern Atlantic. So the Gaul's come ashore, and form a beachhead. The iron swords, horses and the
The Sky people22-11-06 This came today from Amazon. Its shorter then I would have liked. Basically Aliens terraform Venus and Mars, and turn them into zoos of exotic fauna. Dinosaurs, and man co existing under Alien skies. The Space race, 1, The usual problem with this writers heros are avoided, as they are the result of a world wide selection process. (Astronaughts) 2, some old friends. Ie langagues, longbows, 3, Big hungry dog. This is a dog persons book, rather then this writers fondness for Cats 4, great ending which sets up the sequal.
Myself, at the wheel of the USS Lexington

Corpus Christi

Texas Well Corpus Christi, was a good time. A learning experience, and relaxation. Sea air, steak and sunshine did a lot of good. The flight over there went pretty smoothly, though we only just made our connection. Still a few beers made the day seem brighter, and we hung out in the blue Marlin. A Corpus Christi landmark The next day, I visted the USS Lexington. The Grey Ghost, I saw a SEALS submersible. A model of Senator Macain's fighter plane. I sat behind the wheel, and stood on the flight deck of an Aircraft Carrier.. After watching a film about Lewis and Clark, I retired for a steak, and spent the evening singing Karoke. U2:) and John Denever, The next day, I set off in search of socks, having packed lightly this was going to be a week long quest. Sadly no joy. I saw the Selena memorial. I then retired to Cassidys Bar. Where I met Jim and Victoria. A charming pair. Jim used to be in the USAF, and was attached to the RAF. Settling in Liverpool after his service. He got into ba
I am not always so serious
How'dy from Texas. Saw a sign, Prego and proud. They call it how it is...
A Dia I hope you all had a happy Halloween/Samhain From Wikipedia ``The Dagda is an important god of Irish mythology. He is the supreme god in Celtic Mythology. His name means "The Good God" (Old Irish deagh dia; Modern Irish dea-Dia), not necessarily good in a moral sense, but good at everything, or all-powerful. The Dagda is a father-figure (he is also known as Eochaid Ollathair, or Eochaid All-Father) and a protector of the tribe. In some texts his father is Elatha, in others his mother is Ethlinn. Irish tales depict the Dagda as a figure of immense power, armed with a magic club and associated with a cauldron. The club was supposed to be able to kill nine men with one blow; with the handle he could return the slain to life. The cauldron was bottomless, capable of feeding an army. He also possessed Daurdabla, a richly ornamented magic harp made of oak which, when the Dagda played it, put the seasons in their correct order; other accounts tell of it being used to command th