
Showing posts from January, 2007
JANUS IS DEAD January is over. I have not smoked for a single month. Its been a long cold, month. I have been burnt by Dragons. ``While we lack enemies, or cause for triumphs''
Children of Men. There are spoilers Its a well made film, It features good performances, by the prinicpal leads. It could simply be the subject matter. A world without children, and I have never been comfortable with Dystopias. But something about this film left me cold. I have btw heard a talk given by the Author The plot is in a world, where women can no longer get pregnant, a man has to lead a woman with child to safety. Its London, its London that has gone wrong. The Buses are still red, even though they have digital moving advertistments. Powered rickshaws. Dogtracks, and pubs, cheek by jowl by barbed wire holding pens, and maching gun toting bobbies The Neo Flagallentes, in Traflagar square was a nice touch. The non smoking buliding, is funny, also when Clive Owens character I am confused about this. The world is collapsing, so people are heading for the UK. We see French flags, and hear Irish accents, in the fugee camp. So Europes collasped. But Baby Degio in Argentina, can s

21st Birthday

Some of you may be surprised to learn. I was in a public house last night.   This was due to the fact, that it was my brothers 21st birthday. It was alright actually. I ate a lot, I had a few beers, and an old friend. Tequila with Lemonade. I have a taste for things Latin. Why this picture. Well its not there anymore. If I remember correctly, this image was used several times in the series Star Trek Voyager. I may have posted it here before. Anyway, is a view of the past, in some sense the same as seeing the battlefield of Hastings, or the plains of Jurassic Montana.   It makes me think, I am having problems with my own past   A month smoke free

Biplane Dinosaur

Dino news From CNN. The intriguing possibility of a biplane dinosaur -- Microraptor gui -- is suggested by Sankar Chatterjee of Texas Tech University in this week's online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Microraptor was described by Xing Xu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003 as having aerodynamic feathers on both its arms and legs. Xu suggested at the time that it glided, extending its legs backward so its wings were arranged one behind the other, like a dragonfly. But that would be aerodynamically inefficient for a feathered creature, Chatterjee concluded, noting that the feathers on the legs would not face forward. Instead, he suggested, the legs of the two-pound creature could have been held below the body in flight, creating two staggered wing sections, the upper one slightly ahead of the lower one. One other flying dinosaur, Pedopenna, also had feathers on its legs, Chatterjee said, and modern raptors such as falcons have short feathers on the
I took this picture on the first of Janurary 1997. Its the view of Queens from the World trade centre. Something that you can't see anymore. It was my first trip to New York, I have been going to New York, for St Particks day for the last 5 years. I can't go this year. I have the money, but I can't spend it. The stars are in our grasp, but our papers are not signed. 21 days without ciggerates.
I bought books today Monarchy by David Starkey part 1 The Great Hunger, The Bruces wars in Ireland
Big Brother Barney, The UK's Channel 4's Big brother, has caused a spat between India, and the Uk. Over the treatment of an Indian actress Shilpa Shetty. ( Who is radiant) By her other Female Housemates. Shilpa, is someone, I don't think anyone would ever ask to help lag their pipes, or roof their house. Yes Shilpa is probably more then a little highly strung. However the contrast between her and Jade Goody. Is lamentable. The other sidelight is that Dirk Bennedict, the orginal Starbuck, the Face and Jermaine Jackson. (brother of Michael) Are the voices of sanity.

The Last King of Scotland

The Last King of Scotland It is strong stuff. I didn't know Doug McAvoy was Scottish. I'd seen him  in Shameless and assumed he was English Anyway. Here MacAvy plays a bored student, slightly smothered by the future. Realizing his life is all planned out. He will graduate, get a practice, marry and become a leading light of the rotary and golf clubs  The film begins with a scene where McAvoy yells in frustration at the ennui at the whilst smoking in bed, and has his father ask if he's alright Forrest Whitakers portrayal of Idi Amin is fearsome. Forrest is a huge guy. A bull of a man. Normally he plays quiet laid back types. This time, he exudes menace. It is odd, we don't see this sort of evil more on screen Garrigan. (Macavoy) meets Amin, by chance. Amin is in a road accident, and McAvoy is the only doctor arround. Garrigan, doesn't register on Amin's radar. I think Garrigan might be the only white in his group He is a literal piece of the scenery  Un
Tobacco Yellows I have been trying to give up smoking. I have gone 10 days without a ciggerate. I have been wearing patches. Chewing gum, and using a cream, and such like. However today, I had to wait in a place where someone had smoked. The smell gone on my clothes, and drove me mad. I know I'm going to be one of those holier then thou ex smokers.
Its me in NYC. I don't think I'll make it this year. I will miss the energy, the size and life. Of the City of dreams
Resolutions I have not smoked, since the morning of the first January. I feel a little light headed often. Somewhat sluggish at times. On the plus side, it means I have another goal, so I don't feel overwhelmed at work. I bought a new TV today. I put away my little Matsui, after cleaning it up. It did me good service.