40 Questions

1. Name: Malchera
2. Birthday: I am a Scorpio
3. Where are you from... originally? far away:)
4. Favorite actors? Robert Redford, Liam Neeson
5 Favorite Actress Jessica Alba, Christina Ricci
6. A movie you can watch over and over and never bugs you? ,
 Michael Collins, Batman Begins, Gone with the Wind
7. Favorite special effects movie? LOTR, Star Wars, Jurassic park
8. Why was it your favorite special effects movie? Jurassic park. Dinosaurs. Star Wars, it was childhood legend.
9. Favorite Tim Burton movie? Beetlejuice!
10. Favorite Steven Spielberg movie? The Indiana Jones movies
11. What was the last movie you saw? The 300
12. Movie worth waiting for? Pirates 3, Transformers
13. What movie would you really love to make? Tain bo Cuilange
14. Which one of your friends reminds you of a comic book character?
One reminds me of Marmaduke, but she's a girl so..
15. If you could be any super villain who would you be and why
Dr Doom, so I could call my self, von Doom
16. Favorite movie soundtrack? Dunno, Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction they were de riguer during the 1990s
17. Favorite people or persons in the music industry? Christina Aguilera.
18. Do you like musical theater if so what's a show you enjoy the most? Wicked!!
19a. (Boys) Would want to be James Bond or Austin Powers? Bond

20. Batman or Superman? Batman
21. Favorite Stanley Kubrik film? 2001
22. Did you like the Godfather? Yes
23. Favorite animal and why? Sharks, Polar Bears, Polar bears are just Mean. Dinosaurs if extinct Fauna, are allowed
24. Old Disney or new Disney and why? Old Disney! Do Chip and Dale count as old disney?
25. What book are you reading right now? Dublin's Washington policy
26. If you were to describe your family in the form of a TV show, who would be your TV family? A cross between Malcom in the middle and the sopranos
27. Brothers or sisters? Brothers and Sisters:)
28. Favorite color? purple
29. What's in your CD player right now? Printer Cd
30. Last Movie you bought? Boontown Saints
31. Do you have a favorite artist? Gaugain, because he has a lot of nudes

32. Do you have a pet if so who and what? No, I don't
33. Who was one bad mother . . . Shaft,
34. Favorite place to go to be alone? Germany
35. If you had to describe your group of friends in one word, what would the word be? kind
36. The one movie you hate the most and why? Hmm, London kills me, something pretentious  like that, Shopping..Sadie Frost, should always ring warning bells. Something that describes itself as ``British'' Is a worry too.
37. Favorite Disney Character? Belle
38. Favorite Warner Brothers character? The Brain
39. How much do you "really" like Star Wars or hate it? I like it Its good 
40. Where will you be in five years? I hope somewhere else


Anonymous said…
Hey there. I loved reading your movie quiz, I feel like I know you even better now.
Bye, bye now.

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